Chapter Five

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Disclaimer: I own nothing. All rights belong to J. K. Rowling.

MY AN: I do not own this story or idea

Chapter Five: To Hogwarts We Go

The next day Jennifer didn't go running or have any chance to do physical training at all. Her parents were up at 6:00 AM in case their Hogwarts letters came early. Which they, of course, didn't. At 7:00 AM the Potter family plus extra's sat at the breakfast table, impatiently eating. Even Jennifer couldn't help but glance at the window every so often, in anticipation for her letter.

Breakfast had never before been so nerve wracking, even though they all knew they would both be getting their letters. It was simply a matter of when.

Nearing 8:00 AM they were all getting restless. Sirius had long given up on not complaining for it taking so long, and James looked ready to eat an entire broomstick if it made the time pass faster. Remus was trying to read the daily prophet, but he had been on the same page for the last 15 minutes. Lily had been doing the dishes by hand, but had seemingly lost her concentration on it halfway through, and washed nearly every plate at least twice or more. Charlie and Jennifer were playing chess, but Charlie hadn't made a move in a while, leaving Jennifer even more bored.

It was when the fireplace burst out in green flames that everyone was pulled from whatever they were trying to concentrate on.

Albus Dumbledore stepped out of the fireplace. The attention was on him immediately, or, more likely, on the two letters he was holding in his right hand.

''Good morning you all! I dearly hope I'm not interrupting something?'' Albus said, looking at the people sitting in the kitchen.

''Of course not Albus.'' Lily replied to the headmaster.

''Good, for I do believe that I have something for these two young ones. I know that it is tradition to get them through the mail, but I wanted to give them personally. I hope you don't mind.''

Without another word, Albus handed the twins their letters.


Going to Hogwarts was strange.

They had been going to Hogwarts since they were five years old, yet they had never been there as students.

They knew the layout of the castle by the back of their hand, having spent so much time there as children. Yet it was still all very exciting to go there now.

Today was the first day of September, at 9:30 AM in the morning, and while normally Potter manor would be quiet at this time (James going to work, Lily and Charlie busy with his lessons and Jennifer doing whatever she felt up to),this morning it was everything but that.

''Charllie have you finished packing yet?!?!'' Lily franticly yelled up the stairs.

''Almost done mom!"

''Well hurry up! You haven't eaten breakfast yet and still have to take a shower!''

''Yes mom, I know! I'm packing as fast as I can!"

Jennifer sighed.

Unlike her brother she had already packed her trunk yesterday, in order to prevent things like this from happening. Stupidly enough her brother hadn't and now they might be late because of it.

Rolling her eyes at her brothers' rushed response, she looked down at her skirt. It was one of the ones she didn't mind wearing as much. A simple dark blue with two white, horizontal stripes at the top. She looked around her room to make sure she absolutely hadn't forgotten something –she hadn't- and dragged her feather-light trunk downstairs.

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