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My favorite time of the day. Lunch! I opened my schoolbag to fetch out my bag of random lunches. I saw I had a typical sandwich, and a seaweed snack. How dull. At least there is chocolate milk in the cafe.

I looked over to Sugiyama. He pulled out a single red jello cup. My mouth watered as I stared at it. I watched as his fingers slowly peeled off the wrapper. He tipped the cup upside down on a mini plate he stored in his desk. How strange that he keeps random items in his desk. The jello plopped on the plate. It jiggled oh so ravishingly.

Sugiyama took out a small plastic knife as he cuts off the edges. What are you doing?! I will eat them scraps! I could feel my spit dripping from my lips.

"Dude, if you like him...just like...ask him out." Ken sat down next to me, and pulled out his lunch.

"Will you shut up you moron." I groaned. My eyes couldn't leave the jello.

Sugiyama finished whatever he was doing to the poor jello. He slyly turns around, glancing at me from the corner of his eye. A small smile formed on his lips.

I blushed out of embarrassment, and looked away.

"Matsuda likes you!" Ken screamed with a chuckle following.

Sugiyama's smile faded into confusion as he looked at me.

"No I don't!" I snapped with a flustered face.

Sugiyama had a warm smile on as he gets up, and places the plate of jello on my desk. He had already cleaned up the parts that were cut out. "Enjoy." He says quietly as he walked away.

I looked down at the perfectly sculpted jello. It was the shape of a heart. Sugiyama is quite artistic. 

"What love birds." Ken laughed.

Ken is seriously retarded.


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