Will you say YES?

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Romano POV

"It's your turn to pick!" Yells Felicia super excited
"Oh... I know..... It's the one I had to record with uncle Toni.... I don't think you can win~." I smile at her.
"No way!"
"Sí!" I cross my arms.
"Fine lets find out!"
We got to the end of the song and I won.
"No I recorded it.... That's not cheating."
"Yah it is!"
"Oh? Then what does the tickle monster have to say about it?"
"You wouldn't dare!"
I put my hand up.
"Try me..."
She takes one step back. I take one step forward. She turns and darts out if the room. I dash after her.
"Aaaaaaah!!!" The screams then giggles.
"Come back here!" We dash into the living room where the others are sitting on a couch talking then I corner her.
"Uncle Toni! Save me!"
"But," Spain starts, "I wanna play tickle monster too!" He comes by me and we take another step forward then lunge at her. She giggle as we tickle her.
"S-s-stop!" She says wile laughing.
We don't listen.
"No seriously stop!" We instantly stop and look at her.
"What?" We say in unison.
"Double teaming is no fun!" She pouts
We chuckle and place her on the ground.
"Romano.... I have a question."
"Sí?" I say sitting down.
"Lovino Vargas....," he takes a small black box out from his back pocket. And goes on one knee.
"Will you marry me?"
I am shocked.

Spain POV

I did it I asked him.... But I don't know if this was the right time or not... France said when the time feels right and it felt right.... But I am starting to second guess myself...
"Spain I.... I-I don't know what to say....." He stares at the ring flabbergasted.
"I.... Sí.... Mille volte sí!" He says and I place the ring on his finger. Then he does something I didn't expect to happen again.... He hugged me.
"Grazie!" He says quietly.
"Oh Romano....."
"Well go on! Kiss!" Yells Italy.
I look Romano deep in the eyes... We lean forward and our lips touch. We would have been more heated if a kid wasn't present and so we pulled away.
"EEEEWWW!" Yelled Felicia.
Italy quickly turned his head giving her the death look.
Romano just laughed. Walked over to Felicia and ruffled her hair.
"Relax feliciano..... She is fine."

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