Can't hold back

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Romano POV

We head inside and before the door shuts Spain tackles me on the couch pinning me onto it and places his lips onto mine. I kiss back. But something seems off.
"Hmmmmf! Spain! Mmmffff." I am muffled by the kiss.
He just keeps going.... I can't pug him off of me. I know something is up but I can't tell what..... It seems like something from southern it- it's the mafia.... But why? What are they going to do? I can't think of any other way to get him to stop so.... I knew him in the balls.

Spain POV

I jump away from the kiss. HE KNEED ME IN THE BALLS!!!!!! THAT HURTS!!!!!
"What was that for?" I say dubbing over in pain.
"I tried to get you to stop I would have pushed you away if I had my hands! I tried talking to you but that didn't work so I resorted to that."
"We'll it hurts like hell!" I say sitting down.
"Spain something is wrong."
"Other then my hurting dick?"
"Sí you bastard."
"Would you like to share?!?"
"Shhh! It's the mafia." He says.
"THE WHA-" he clamps a hand over my mouth.
"Shhhh! I don't know what they want but I can tell they want something big."
"I'll head out there."
"No!" Yelled Romano, "I'll do it... They only listen to me." He says heading out the door.

Romano POV

"Ok.... What do you want?" I say plain out.
"Why are you with Spain?"
"Because.... I can be you dick!"
"We want awnsers!"
"And your getting them!" I counter.
"Why are you with Spain."
"Because I can be!"
"That's not the real reason.... Is it."
"Sooo.... What do you think?"
"That you love him."
"Well I am Italian so you can't blame me...." I say with a face of anger with a slight bit of embarrassment in there.
"Do you do love him."
I pull out the Italian boots. "Hey leave me alone or.... These are yours to keep forever." I say with a smirk.
"Fine fine.... But remember this Lovino.... We are always watching you."
"Yah screw that shit! Leave!" I walk inside and slam the door. "Damn mafia.... Damn them to hell."
Spain chuckles. Which scared me shitless.
"GOD DAMMIT STOP DOING THAT!" I yell at him making him laugh. "WHAT IS SO FUNNY SPAIN!?!"
He just continues to laugh., "you." He says with a smile.
He pins me to the wall.
"Far from it mi amore." He whispers suductivly in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. He licks my ear and play bites it making me moan.
"Spain Sto-" he goes to my neck licking, sucking, and play biting it making me moan louder.
"Spain." He keeps doing it.
"SPAIN!" He keeps doing it.
He stops after I use his human name.
"What lovi~"
"I.... I... I can't." I say looking to the ground with a blush.
"You can't what mi amore?" Those words roll off his tong with no effort at all like he was used to saying it already.
"I can't do this........... I'm...... Scared." I say still not making eye contact.
He lifts my head so I look into his emerald green eyes with my caramel ones.
"To tell you the truth..... This is my first time as well." He said.
"Well you are in the bad touch trio." I chuckle.
"That has nothing to do with me and you......"
"So how did you get into the btt?"
"My nice ass." He said slapping it, "and my Pervaeted mind..... And well you know...." He said with a smile.
"You perdente." I say pushing him away from me.
"Lovi.... I'm kidding.... I just messed with people.... France and Prussia were the only ones who slept with them."
"Ok to much information there mr. Nice ass."
"Oh lovi likes my ass huh?" He chuckles. I blush and turn my head so I don't look at him.
"Shut up!"
"You do." He says messing with my hair minding the curl this time.
"Admit it lov-" I cut him off with a kiss. After a wile we break.
"Happy?" I ask.
"Only if you let me do this~." He picks me up bridle style.
He runs to the room.
"What are you doing?"
He throws me into the bed with out a word.
He just smiles.
"Ready for some fun lovi?"
"What the hell do you mean by that?"
"This~." He gets on me and kisses me grinding my hips.
Making me moan.
"What the hell?" I moan aloud.

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