wedding part2

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Five minutes….. Please help…. Spain come back I don’t want to be alone….. I sighed as I looked in the mirror one last time. Maybe I should put on that wedding dress. I looked over at it then walked over.


Italy ran in the room, “Yes~?”

I pointed to the dress. Italy knew what i wanted and what he needed to do. I grabbed the dress and walked over to me as I undressed. As he moved to put the dress on I could see small purple marks on him that looked newly made. I mentally growled but I didn’t want to blow up. I kept telling myself its fine. He married him for a reason. Germany can do as he wishes as long as he doesn’t break his heart.

Three minutes…… I looked at myself in the dress. I looked like an idiot but yet I liked it for some reason. I wish there was something more I could do for Spain….. He gave up everything for me….. he went against his boss to marry me. He saved my life, and I saved his in return but that wasn’t enough….. I thought this would help. No….. Still didn’t fill that gap. He has done so much for me and didn’t ask for anything in return. He always had a smile even when times were tough. He never gave up. He never stopped. He wanted to make me the best I could be and I know now I let him down and I can’t amend for that. I can’t do anything to fix that…… it sickened me. I sicken myself that I was to blind to see. All I ever thought of was myself and that I needed no one. I….. I can’t do anything to fix that gap I had made for myself. I am an idiot. I am a fool. I am a selfish bastard and I can’t fix it! All I want is for him to be happy and I know what I am doing is not enough yet. It’s a huge tare and I can only meant it one stitch at a time. I always think of the things he has done for me…. All he has given to me. The least I could do now was give myself.

“Lovino… you love him don’t you.”

I chuckled a bit, “No I don’t.” LIER!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t express  my feelings I’ll be weak. You idiot just do it!

“Romano don’t lie.”

“I’m not lying!”

‘yes you are’ STOP!!!

“Feli get out.”



Italy ran out.

I push away everyone. I know this isn’t a traditional wedding but we do get to present vows…… SHIT! I grabbed a piece of paper and looked at the clock. 30 seconds…. No time! I get up and out storming over to the door. 3….2….1…. I slam it open and storm down to the altar glaring the whole time but I’m just masking myself….. I stood there glaring at Spain until the presentation of vows. I just looked down and gulped loudly.

“Romano i-“

“Spain I know your vows by heart…. There is no need to say them…… I need to say something myself……. And everyone don’t you dare object….” I was on the verge of tears but I still spoke strongly, “Spain…. I came to a realization a while before this whole celebration. First off I’ve been an ass. More then I should be. I was always stubborn. Hell I like to tell myself I hate everything and everyone but that’s not the truth….. The truth is,” I bit my lip and took a deep breath and started talking again, “you have given me everything. You always have that stupid ass smile on your face. Being kind to every one and ask for nothing in return. You always say there is no need but….. I had no idea you were one broken man. We are all broken. You love to help, even when I say you have no idea you do, you do know what I have been through,” I glance around at everyone, “all of you, Germany you lost your brother to war. Italy you lost a love but you never gave up. Prussia…. You have been through hell and back literally. France it took you forever but you got over Joan and forgave England…. You all have been traumatized and me. Hah I haven’t been through any of the shit you all have. And does that bother me? Yah. Does it make me a bad person? Look at me I’m a mess involved in the mafia I think so. Do I understand you? Not like any of you understand each other….. if you think venciano made me do this he didn’t. why? Because I told him to scram after putting this dress on. Will I always be pissy? Like hell I will I’m a damn southern Italian that’s all I’m ever good for. Complaining, cussing, and acting like I know everything and that I’m better then everyone,” that earned a few chuckles from the crowd, Tears slide down my face and my voice quivers a bit, “but that doesn’t mean I don’t care, that doesn’t mean I don’t love anyone, that doesn’t mean I regret anything…. Im just masking myself from the truth because I’m too scared to realize,” I turn to Spain, “and that doesn’t mean I don’t even find you attractive. Hell you are the sexiest mother fucker I have ever seen! And don’t get me started on your ass,” I took a hold of his hand and took a step closer to him, “it may not seem like it but im honored to be yours. Hell I’m like a giddy teen girl who got asked to go to a dance with the hottest guy in school. I’m shaking, I can’t think straight, I’m not even straight hey look we figured out that problem!” that made him laugh, he was crying but he still had that ridiculous smile on his face, “Spain I love you and I can’t think of anyone I would rather be with.”

“Romano…….” Was all he could say before kissing me, did I care? No…. did I feel like I was on cloud nine with him? Every day was like heaven. We may be broken people. We may not seem kind, we may not be seen as a normal couple compared to Italy and Germany, but hell the sex was great and we loved each other and that was the best part of everything.

(Hey if you want anything edited and you dont have time send it to me at} 

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