Hang in there

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Spain pov

The line for his heart beat went into a line.


The bring out those shock things.... I never learned the name of those things.... I never bothered to... They rubbed them together and yelled


His body jumped but nothing happened.

"COME ON ROMANO!" I am crying more now.

They did it two more times. Still nothing. They were going to give up then something happened.

Romano POV

I fell into this dark abyss.

"Where am I?"

I see a light. I walk to it. Then in a flash I see my self on the operation table.

"Am I dying?"

I see Spain in an different room. Is crying yelling my name telling me to hand in there. I start to cry.

"Spain I'm sorry! I can't hang on anymore!"

"COME ON ROMANO!" He yells hot tears streaming down his face as he bangs the wall. He falls on his knees putting his face in his hands. "Please! Come back! I need you!"

I start to cry.

"Am I doing this?"

Then there was a voice.

"Romano it's your choice."

It sounds like nono.....


"Sí Romano.... You have a choice to go back into your body or come with me."

'This is hard!'

I look at my situation. I jut told Spain I loved him. But I also miss nono..... Spain looks like he won't give up.

"Hurry Romano!"

I see them put a blanket over me.

I decide. And run to my body.

Spain POV

They put a blanket over Romano. I feel sick to my stomach. My love.... Gone. Just then I hear the beeps.

"Romano?" I look at the screen.

Then a person comes in. "Sorry but Lovino is de-"

"NO HE IS NOT! LOOK!" I point to the glass.

"Oh my god! Is a blessing!" The doctors stitch him up and place him in his room.

I walk in and see him awake. I cry tears of joy.

"Caio Spain." His voice sounds scruffy.

"Oh Roma~." I walk over to his bed and take his hand.

"I saw grandpa Rome." He said.


"I was between life and death... I had to choose you or paradise.... My paradise is with you." He said with a smile.

"Oh Lovino." I cry more. "I thought I lost you."

"I know... I saw you."

"Wait you saw me out of your body? How?"

"I don't know but I am glad I am alive."

"BROTHER!" Yelled Italy as he ran in.

"Caio feli!" He said with a smile.

"I hear to died! But then you came back! I was worried! Are you ok?"

"Sí I am ok..... How is Germany?"

"I am fine. You vorried all of us."


"Ja.... All the countries."

"Well you can see I am alright now."

"Don't scare us like that!" Yelled Italy.

"Feliciano.... He had no control.... We don't know who shot him either."

"VAIT he vas shot?"

"Sí. He was...."

"Guys I am tired can I sleep?"

"Sí we will leave.... You just rest. I will be back soon. Ok?"


And with that we left. I felt like crying still.... I almost lost my one true love.... But he came back for me.

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