Taking Responsibility

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Michael's POV

It had been another two months since I'd seen La Negra. She just dropped the baby bomb on me and disappeared like it was nothing. I may not have known her but she definitely did not know the real me. I was an asshole to her at times but I am not the type of guy to just be happy abandoning my kid. I knew the chances were slim because I did protect myself but if there was a slim chance at all that the child truly was mine, I wanted to be there.

So I had to find her. This time I couldn't just send her a plane ticket and expect her to show up. I actually had to go to her. She actually wasn't all that hard to find. She lived in a nice neighborhood in Miami. My body guard, Bill, and my assistant rode with me and waited in the car while I approached the front door of the house.

After two swift knocks, I started to feel these nerves again. The thought of seeing her again was making me a little nervous. The nerves didn't last long though because within seconds, the door was swinging open and a short Spanish woman was staring up at me.

Oh shit, I thought. My assistant got the wrong address. I expected this woman to freak out seeing me standing there but no. Instead she looked me up and down with a frown. So she was a grumpy old bird, I thought. What, did I interrupt her episode of Wheel of Fortune or something. The lady looked at me like spat in her food!

"I'm sorry ma'am. I must have the wrong address." I apologized.

I went to turn around and leave but the she yelled out. "Amara! El papá de ru niño!"

I didn't know much spanish but I knew enough to know that papa meant daddy. I turned back around, just in time to see La Negra come to the door herself..looking fantastic I must add.

"Thank you mami. I got it from here." La Negra kissed her mom's cheek and stepped outside to talk to me. I guess we would be having this conversation in public.

Her mother turned to me before she left and spoke with a whole lot of conviction. "You do right by this baby! Family is the only thing that matters. A child needs there father. Don't make my daughter do this alone!" she urged before La Negra quickly shooed her back into the house. 

"I'm sorry about that." La Negra apologize for her moms outburst. She crossed her arms across her chest and looked at me quizzically. "What are you doing here?"

"Can we go somewhere and talk? I've got the car ready. We can go wherever."

"Right here is good." I rolled my eyes from behind my shades. Thank god she didn't see because La Negra's spicy personality is one of her most alluring qualities, and she would have definitely made a scene.

"We have a lot to talk about."

"I don't think we do. You made it clear that you didn't want this baby."

"That's not true!" I quickly cut her off. She looked surprised by my words. "I just have doubts. Please just see it from my side. People do anything and everything to get to me and my money. You wouldn't believe how many, that I've never even met claim they had my child. I have to be careful. And lets be real here,we don't know each other well enough to know what we are and aren't capable of."

"If you had doubts, you should have said that. You told me straight up that this baby wasn't yours. That's the second time you've tried to make me sound like some kind of whore!" Okay, now I felt bad. "Dudes who want to be in there child's lives don't do that. I don't deserve that and neither does my baby."

I didn't know what to say. How was I going to explain to her that I, a grown man, was acting out because I was scared of possibly liking her. "All I can do is say that I'm sorry. I did you wrong and I admit that. Okay? I'm sorry for all the mean things I said to hurt you. I came here for a chance to make it right."

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