An Affinity for Gym

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Chapter 4

As I was about to sleep, I sent my prayers to God for the protection of my mom and for when karma will bite my ass for being a bitch, it won’t end up biting off the whole thing.

Kids, let this be a reminder to never be a bitch to geeks and nerds because you might end up making promises for things that you won’t know about. Heck, just be nice to everyone. Your cheeks may hurt from smiling but, it’ll be worth it in the end.

Inevitably, I slept to the reassuring mantra of ‘he doesn’t know where to pick you up’ replaying over and over again. Well, actually, I fell asleep to Ed Sheeran’s Kiss Me. I just assumed that the mantra just made me look cooler. Yes? No? Maybe? Not a chance in my life?


My day begins just like yesterday. I took a shower, dressed, ate but this time, I actually brought my car with me.

Whose mom loved her enough to buy her a car? THIS GIRL!

She thought that since I’d do most of the grocery shopping and errands that I deserved a car as a reward for all my ‘hard work’. Well, that and a year’s worth chores, part-time jobs and ass kissing. But hey, all that time on my hands and knees scrubbing out unknown substances from under the toilet had paid off.

Have you ever felt that feeling of complete self-satisfaction as you pull into the school with all you sophomore swag knowing that you have accomplished a task such as being early for school for the first time in 17 years?

So, moi being moi, as I got out of my car, I did the world’s best chicken-victory dance.

“WE- I AM THE CHAMPION! I AM THE CHAMPION!” I sang with my hot vocal chords.

Ok, sure that little outburst scored me a few she’s-a-psycho looks and possibly scared away any chance I have for not ending up a dateless chicken at the Homecoming dance that’s coming up in a couple of months. Nevertheless, this is a cause for celebration that I shall celebrate with a red velvet cupcake in a coffee shop near me sometime after school.

Now that I think about it, I wouldn’t mind not going to that stupid dance anyway. Let them boys grovel. I’m singin’ mah song.

“I’LL BUY A CUPCAKE, CAUSE I AM THE CHAAAAAPIOONNNN, OF THE WOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRLLLLDD!!! Thank you! Thank you! I will sign autographs at the end of study hall.” I cried with a dramatic bow.

Yep, you have doomed you future to cats and cupcakes.

I head off to class which, thankfully, is P.E.

I get changed in the locker room and ignore all the whispers. Frankly, I don’t even think that they’re about me. Maybe those girls just like whispering while looking and pointing at me from time-to-time.

We walk into the gym because for some reason, our oh-so amazing gym teacher doesn’t want us to go to the field where the sun shines for the first time in a very cloudy week. Nope, he just wants to stay indoors like the fat couch potato he is.

“Ok class, 50 pushups.”

Wait, what?


No stretching? No warm ups? Why am I bothering with those two when I can’t even do just the pushups?

I’m screwed.


I’m not a wimp nor am I a potato.

I am a strong woman like those of her ancestors.

I shall survive!




Face, meet floor.





Ok, I’m done, I’m sure that the number 50 comes after 6.

“Miss Grase, do not top or it’s 5 laps around the gym for you.” says our ‘coach’ with the enormous pot belly. You’d honestly think that Mr. Johnson was the sexy-buff gym teacher but no… instead, we get this couch potato.

“Can I do that instead?” I ask. Wait, did I just sign my death sentence?

“Excuse me?” says Sir Potato.

“Can I do those laps instead?” Shut up says thy subconscious.

“You want to run?” as you can’t see, our gym isn’t exactly small… it’s just about the size of a soccer field with bleacher lining the sides and has a basketball court right smack in the middle leaving about a 10 feet gap between the former and latter but, reasons for its peculiar structure shall be unknown to this dying person right here.

“Yes.” No.

“Well then, go ahead.” Says the Pot Belly in disbelief. I suppose that it was because of his own incapability to run 5 laps as well that had him in disbelief and that he was imagining what he’d look like running after about 3 laps. I’m not sure though, I’m basing the look on his face to the thoughts in my head cause I was sure as hell thinking exactly that.

Goodbye cruel world. Goodbye mom. I love you with all my heart and have no idea as to why I chose to leave you this early. At least now, you won’t have anyone to hog the Skippy’s.

I think of the things that I wish that I could have said and done. I wish that I could have gone free falling off the world’s tallest building. I wish that I could have had my first kiss. I think off all the stuff that I regret as I’m finishing off my third lap. I hate running. Rock climbing, it’s easy as pie. Skydiving, I do that with my eyes closed. Running, nope. Pushups, hell no. Any easy and mundane things I refuse to do.

Why? Well, I don’t know. I’m just weird that way.

I’m just slowly running around in this circle of death and have lost count after the 2nd lap.

By this time, I can feel the weight of my classmates stares as I run around and around in circles.

Just as I am about to give up the couch clamps his hand down on my shoulder and I fall from sheer exhaustion. On my last lap you’d think that the heroine(me) would have heard the cry of her onlookers as she used their shouts of motivation to lead her the victory but, no. All I could actually hear was the beating of my heart in my ear as if it was right inside it and I probably looked like a wilting blob as I ran.

But I made it. Yey, cookies for me!

“That was spectacular Ms. Grase but, you didn’t have to do so many.” Says Pot Belly with Pit Stains. Honestly, I’m just making up names for him, I actually have no idea as to what his real name really is.

Wait, what? I voiced out my current thought.

“Well, you did about twice the amount required of you Miss Grase.”

Again, what?

“Why?” I asked.

Wait; shouldn’t he be the one that’s asking that?

“My thought’s exactly Miss Grase.”


Tada! Chapter 4.

It's a boring filler, i know.  :P

Enjoy anyways!

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