Be Nice to Nerds

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Chapter 3

The rest of the day, thankfully miraculously miserably and all other adverbs or whatever, passed without much event. Well, aside from me now giving into the urge stalk, I mean, check up on Mr. Johnson to confirm my hot-teacher-with-a-tail suspicion, and slightly bumping into two more strangers at school. And if I must give my honest opinion, they weren’t as hot as the first guy.

Reflecting on my day, as I get stuff from my locker for the last time today, I silently give my luck a cheesy high-five for all the major accidents it has not given me today.

Seriously, if you look back at my life, a teacher with a possible tail, bumping flat on my ass courtesy of angry hot dude and two more no-so hot but angry people, and getting lost about every single time I have to look for my classroom in this insanely huge school is one of the best first days of school ever.

I’ve had worse. Trust me. And because if my luck’s success, I should make it a certificate complete with cool paper that’s used for official-y certificates that just need to be filled in and singed.

I can see it now:


Tree Grase’s so-called Luck.

And while I’m at it, I’m gonna buy a frame. Yes, I am actually considering about making a certificate for something that I cannot see, touch, hear, smell, eat or taste and only exists because the great poets and die-hard romantics say that it’s real or am I talking about love?

Ok so, first, I should go off to the store and buy that paper that’s sold to look all official and rustic-y.


With my headphones in my ear and my dance moves in full gear, I walk down the sidewalk kinda sorta dancing and walking with music on full blast thoroughly blocking around the rest of the music-less world.

I’m getting these weird looks from these people on the street as I walce past them.

Now lecture time, what is walce?


v. wals

Word made by Tree, it is the combination of dance and walk. Used for occasions of sheer awesomeness when one is walking and dancing at the same time while there is music playing. DISCLAIMER: the presence of music may be optional.

Other forms of the verb are; Walced, walcing, and walcer (person that walces)

Now that you are fully educated, let me continue.

So, weird looks from people, me going into this corner store that sells stationary and books, that’s what has happened. The town has this corner store that sells books and stationary that I found a few days ago while walking around town after we had moved in. If it was any bigger that it is now it’d be a bookshop but, to me, despite it actually being a bookstore that sells stuff for arts and crafts, I just call it corner store that sells stationary and books. Yes, I am just complicating my life for my own amusement.

Looking through the stacks of colored paper, I’m swishing my hips from side-to-side as this awesome song comes on. As the chorus comes on, I’m full-on mini dancing.

Tap. Mysterious tap ignored. Must focus on thy amazing dance moves.

Tap tap.

tap. ‘You’re request to hold my attention has been denied.’ Says thy subconscious.

Tap. Ok, now that’s annoying.

I turn around and stare at my mini-dance party of one crasher, again; how depressing,

“What the fuck man?” I say.

Behind me, I see a geeky guy, Star Wars shirt and all, with braces and zits stand behind me. Oh, how cliché.

“Well, umm… I’m tsorry to boh-the you-“ the geek was the king of geeks and had the worst case of the lisps you have ever seen.  “- missth but you remind me ohf prhinthcess…” by now, I kinda sorta discreetly zoned out and turned up the volume of my Ipod.

It’s not that I have an affinity towards geeks but it was kinda hard to understand him. Yeah, I know that what I am doing is morally wrong and maybe when he grows up and buff up, takes off those braces that are probably the cause of his walkie talkie Dexter voice, and when he’s introduced to a facial mask and a good night’s rest to say bye-bye to those red mine bombs on his face, Sir Geeksalot might become hot.

I had a feeling that he’d stop talking and said the dismissive ‘yeah, whatever’ and turned around.

Tap. Tap. I turned around again, this time, taking out the ear buds from my ears.


“Stho, I’ll pick you up ath eighth on Fri-ayday then.” The geek said and left as he headed towards a group of other clichéd-ly dressed geeks.

Wait, what?

What just happened?

He said he’d pick me up. For what?


Holy shit, what did I just get myself into?

I was about to go after them when I realized that they had already left. Do I really think that slowly?

Shit, what am I supposed to do? What do I do? What just happened?

Uh oh… well, I’ll just have to wait for Friday. Shiiiiiiiiiiiittt… guess I’ll have to forget about that certificate then. Damn it.

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