Thrill Seeker

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I’m ready.


I’m so ready.


You’ve got this in the bag Tree. You were born ready.

“Hey, Earth to Tree, get your roots in place and get ready to jump.”

See, nothing to fear, it’s only a 20,000 foot drop.


Ouch… “What the heck was that for?!” I shrieked at my sky diving instructor. I can start to feel a throbbing in my cheek distinctly in the shape of a hand. Throbs have shapes. If you don’t believe me then, how about a demo when I land?

“You weren’t listening and I can’t have my best student jump out this plane at twenty thousand feet in the air.” Amelie, my instructor, says while rubbing her palms together. Good, let it hurt. Feel the burn, cause I feel it too. On my cheek. 20,000 feet in the air.

“But you didn’t have to slap me! Just push me off the plane while you’re at it.”

“Ok” she replies then, I meet the clouds. “Just remember, count to ten before you let go of your parachute!” she yelled right after my miserable falling form.

“You bbbiiiiittttttch!” ok, so that wasn’t a very creative come-back but, what would you have said while falling 20,000 ft in the air. Sides, I’m not as gifted as some people when it comes to sassy come-backs.

Now, get a grip.

1.) falling, falling, falling.

2.) survived mini heart attack and gotten over internal rage-monologue.

3.) having the best time of my life!

4.) WOOHHOOO!!! YOLO Bitch!

5.) hey, look a bird.

6-7.) thinks that YOLO is a false statement.

8.) thinking about what mom will say when I get home


10.)  woosh! Releases parachute.

On the way down, I see a girl wearing a yellow t-shirt and I start thinking about the Minions. I know people that like them to the point of covering their room with it but I just don’t see the point in doing that. I mean, don’t they change their minds? I don’t have a problem with them though, just saying. Besides, what if they see another movie with stupidly cute sidekicks and they’d decide to change their room but can’t because it’s covered in minions. Catch my drift?

Oh look, the ground.

I see some guy coming to assist me as I go down and I brace myself like the other times that I’ve done this before. Maybe that’s why I think of the Minions instead of being in an adrenaline high…

I land down and the next thing I know is that I’m in my car driving home.

I try to creep into my house because after a 5 hour drive, an added two of the original three because of traffic that then led me to a mini dance party in my car out of sheer boredom. I try to keep as silent as the mouse that I’m sure is in the shed.

The reason as to why I’m creeping is because it’s waaaaayyy past curfew, it’s twelve in the morning by the way, and my mom hates my constant adrenaline seeking. In my opinion, she should just be grateful that she has an awesome daughter that doesn’t need to ask her money for her crazy-awesome adventures.

Tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe I chant in my head be the silence, be the silence…

“Ahem” my mom says on her big recliner that turns around like the awesome ones in movies. Too bad she won’t let me sit there.




“H-heeeyy Mom, fancy seeing you at this time of night... Wanna get some coffee? Or a life outside of waiting for your daughter at 12 am? I hear the coffee shop from down the street serves the best lattes.” I say obviously nervous but, hey, it least I’m doing my best effort in making the situation light. Yet, judging by the scowl on her face, she doesn’t seem to find me funny. Yeah, I’m screwed.

“Do you know how much I have been worrying about you? Give me a heart attack why don’t ‘cha” her saying that is pretty ironic because she’s a cardiologist and, by the bags under her eyes, I conclude that she hasn’t had any sleep yet waiting up for me. Wait, doesn’t my mom work an 18 hour shift?

Shit, guilt alert! Guilt alert!

I love my mom and I don’t want to see her stressed because of me now that it’s just the two of us. It’s been a few years since my father went M.I.A. in the war called life with his family and we’ve been the cardiologist-thrill-seeker team ever since. Besides, it’s not like I miss the guy. To me, he’s just a person that donated his sperm to my mom to give me the face that I have today. I pretty nice one, if I do say so myself.

With the dismissing look on her face, I go up to my room and go to sleep with guilt nipping at the edge of my mind.

Thus ends my day.

Thrill SeekerWhere stories live. Discover now