A Firefly's Fate

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A Firefly’s Fate

Blink. Blink. Blink.

The promise of love glows all around

subtle spheres of light burn seductively.

Beckoning, calling forth their perfect mate

to fly away together, illuminating all.

Blink. Blink. Blink.

Just anyone won’t do.

I want to bask in the radiance of my lover.

Some glow and some shine

but none of them catch my attention.

“Here firefly! Firefly! Here!”

I speed away from the tyrant

my wings buzzing furiously

until I land, perfectly perched

atop a moist jade stalk.

(To be continued in the purchased version of Herban Poetry...)

(PS. Yes, this is a partner-poem to "A Boy's Wish)

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