Divine Intervention

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Divine Intervention

I wish that I could see the future

How divine it would be

to divine who would see

their futures unfold

And who would never see

anything again.

Only a fool would hope for something so hapless

Imagine the destruction, the demise in your eyes!

The madness would muddle your mind

I’m content to navigate life day by day

without maps or headlights to guide my way


Still, I wish I could see the future

How divine it would be

To divine tragedy

And remedy wrongs prematurely;

Leaving lies left unspoken and hearts left unbroken

It seems to me to be mapless

is more hapless than all

Only an imbecile would wish something so dismal

Lies will be told, love will grow cold—

That’s life, but life is never that simple.

Some lies are so sweet, seductively spoken

you love and devour the delectable deceit

And most hearts beat loudest right before being broken

when left in pieces, memories of this sound bring peace

Love, the truest of emotions, can be felt in the falsest of moments


But if I could see the future

I wouldn’t need the sutures

that keep my shattered heart

from crumbling.

Precognition is a cop-out

Clairvoyance, an annoyance

You don’t need either to keep you complete.

 You’ve got me.

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