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Chapter 2

ARGH, 7.00am my alarm was ringing. i quickly switched it off, as i did i heard a quite beeping sound, i wondered over to my dressing table where my phone was laying, and quickly answered it. 'Hey' i said in a pissed off tone, no reply.. 'WHATS THE FUCKING PINT IN RINGING ME IF YOUR NOTHING GOING TO ANSWER DICK.' I Shouted down the phone, 'Woah kate chill out, it was bad signal thats all' It  , ' what do you want at 7am in the morning?' i said even more pissed off than the time before, 'your mardy, so ill meet you at 9 in town? at Coffee cafe? See you later, its important by the way,bye' She hung up before i had chance to argue with the fact she called me mardy. I through my phone back on the table and decided to try and go back to sleep. The clock struck 8.00am and i couldn't go back to sleep, so i decided to go downstairs to see if my nan, or brother was down. I stormed down the stairs, there seemed to be more steps than usual, there would be but i couldnt be bothered to count. As i reached the kitchen i heard a plate smash, i ran through to the kitchen to find my nan layed on the floor and a plate in pieces on the floor.

I ran over to my nan and screamed for brad, He ran down the stairs as fast as he could to find me and my nan on the floor, She was struggling to breath i think she was having a heart attack, I shouted at brad to make hum phone 999, When the ambulance arrived i realised it was half 10, i felt bad leaving my nan, but she was with brad and the ambulance team witch she was in good hands. I walked over to brad and told him Emily had to tell me something, he sid i could go on the condition that i told him what it was about, which i agreed to but i knew id have to tell him the truth because ive never been able to lie to him. I grabed my bag and set of out the door.

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