Love is harder than you think.

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Chapter one.

Hi, my names Kate, and im 14 years old. Anyone would think I'm a average teenager, But I'm not. I'm totally different to that, but i'll explain that later. I go to Stamled high school, and I'm in year 9. I have a best friend that i hang around with everyday, called Emily. She has short brown hair, with blond highlights, and dark brown eyes. She is the only one who knows my secret, well i think she is?

My secret is, I'm a soul seeker. (I have to find a true love in 15 years from the day i was born, a simple kiss on the lips would take there soul, and place it into my body, the thing is after id taken his soul he would drop dead, and if he was my true love, i dont think i could take his soul, but i have a year to live until i have to take a soul or die, oh and if i take the soul of someone who isnt my true love me&the boy will both die.) I dont want to take anybodys life away from them, while there so young, while they still have so much longer to live, but i dont want to die either.

The reason my best friend emily knows, is because she is also a soul seeker, she is only 13 though, and she has 2 years left to live before she has to take a soul, i only have 1 and still havent found my true love, Emily has, she has been in a relationship with mark for a year and half, he also knows about being a soul seeker, as Emily had to explain why they couldnt kiss.

If 2 soul seekers where to fall in love, and be in true love.. then as they kiss there fading souls will be transfered into each others body, and they will live happly ever after, but this is very rare, it is known to off happened once or twise, and yes it happened with my parents they lived happly but they had two children, me and my older brother brad, but my parents were on the way to a shopping mall while being destracted off the road, and had a car crash, and died. Now me and brad live with my nan, she looks after us and does a very good job. (Brad is also a soul seeker)

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