9 - His Second Home

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I wanna thank @JustAFandomLover for being the first person to vote on multiple, let alone one, of my chapters for this story. Thanks!

Third Person POV:

Sebastian woke up to the sound of a constant beep. It wasn't loud, but not quiet enough for comfort. He wanted to go back to bed, just sleep forever. But the beeping was keeping him awake.

He slowly started to open his eyes, blinking away the blurriness that flooded him. That was when the picture finally came into view. He looked around. The white walls that surrounded him. The wooden door in the corner. The open bathroom in the other. The plastic chair beside him. The white blanket that covered him. The tube inside his arm. The beeping of the machine beside him.

He was in a Hospital.

Why was he in Hospital?

His mind was blurry. He knew for a fact something happened last night, but his mind was too fuzzy to put it all together. His head hurt. It just hurt so bad. But he was used to the pain, so he didn't complain. 

Despite not fully knowing what happened last night, Sebastian knew one thing, he wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. But he felt safe. Comfortable. He felt better. So he figured a few more minutes wouldn't hurt him. He was about to drift off to sleep when he heard the door open.

In came a woman. She was tan, with dark hair and blonde highlights, although it was pulled back into a ponytail. She had a clipboard in her hand, and a smile on her face. You could tell she was a nurse by her stereotypical attire. 

"I see that you're finally awake." She smiled at him, walking to the end of the bed and looking from him to her clipboard and back.

Sebastian just nodded.

He noticed her name tag.

Medical Center
Katie Larson

With a barcode bellow it, and a picture of herself beside it. Sebastian wasn't exactly sure what RN stood for, but he deemed it unimportant.

"I'm gonna ask you some questions, they're just procedure, nothing to stress over." She told him.

Sebastian nodded again.

He couldn't talk. His mind was just so fuzzy.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Sebastian Smythe." He replied, now realizing how scratchy and raw his voice was against his throat.

"Good, and what's the year?" She asked next.

"2011." (The year this season with Sebastian came out in Glee) Sebastian responded.

"Good job, and can you tell me where you are?" She asked next.

"Ohio." Was all he needed to say for the women to understand he knew.

"Can you tell me anything about how you got your injuries?" She asked.

Sebastian tensed up. He was starting to remember last night. He could remember, no he could feel his body smacking down the steps. He could hear his Dad screaming, it ringing in his ears. He could feel the blood trickle down his forehead, staining his skin. He could feel his wrist feeling like it had broke in two. He could feel everything. And hear everything. And remember every emotion he felt that night.

"No." Sebastian said.

The Nurse just nodded.

"Last question, how would you rate your current pain on a scale from one to ten?" She looked at him, he was now realizing she had been writing all his answers down.

The truth was, Sebastian was in pain. His wrist still hurt, hurt so bad it was starting to go numb. His body was exhausted. Just so tired. He wanted to just sleep it all off. But nothing would compare to pain in his head. It was searing. Like his skull was still splitting in half and no one cared enough to do anything. He wanted to pull out his hair, hoping that pain would distract him from that inside. But he couldn't. He just felt too weak. It was terrible.

"1." Was how he replied instead.

The Nurse nodded once again. Sebastian couldn't tell if she had bought it or not.

"Alright, that's all. But I'm required to ask, are you up for visitors?" She asked.

Sebastian thought about his Dad coming in, acting all nice and polite, only to hurt him more behind closed doors. Like he always did. But he figured his Dad wouldn't even care enough to know if he was in the Hospital or not. Did he know.

"Why?" Sebastian decided to ask.

"Oh, some kids have stopped by every day since they brought you in. I can't remember their names. But you've been out for around a week, and we didn't want to risk you waking up in their presence since we were unsure of your state." She explained polietly.

Some kids. Berry, Hummel, Hudson, Anderson, and that Lopez kid. What were they doing here? Just to make fun of him...? He couldn't tell. He wanted to ask, but didn't. Instead he said the first response that came to mind.

"Yeah, it's fine." He said. She smiled.

"Great. Next time they stop by I'll let them know."

And with that she left. Sebastian didn't want to think further into it, because he knew he'd change his mind. So he kept quiet. On the inside and out.

Hey y'all! Sorry this is a day late, it was my birthday tomorrow plus Watt pad kept shutting down for me. I'll make sure to be extra prepared next time. Peace. - Chris

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