2 - His Shadow

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Third Person POV:

Sebastian walked into the dark room. The dark hospital room that held his lost brother. Lost brother. But which one? He sighed, his thoughts were too much to handle.

All the lights were off. The only light being shown was that from the window. The sun was bright enough to expose every inch in the room. Yet, it wasn't bright enough to lighten his thoughts and hopes. He wished for too much. He was too hopeful. It was his fault he was let down so many times. He always hoped for the best.

Sebastian shook his head. Not now. He thought. Now wasn't the time to dwell on all his never forgotten mistakes.

Sebastian gripped tightly onto the rolled up magazine that rested in his hand. He picked it out personally. It was for his brother. The brother no one knew about. Barely even himself knew about his brother. No one knew. Except those McKinley kids. Those wretched kids. The kids he was supposed to hate as his rival but secretly envied them and their friendship. It was something he knew he would never have. It was too late. Everything was too late...

Sebastian shook his head again. NOT NOW. He needed to tell himself that multiple times. He still wondered how many times it would take until it actually worked.

Sebastian walked across the room, to the other side of the bed. The man behind Sebastian, who lurked in the dark shadows of the room, unknown to everyone, watched as he did so.

Sebastian looked at his brother. He has an IV drip on his left side, in his arm. The tube ran up into a bag that held more than likely antibiotics to help him. Another tube ran up to his brothers nose, helping him breathe cleaner air on his own. At least he was making progress.

Sebastian smiled.

He lifted the magazine that rested in his right hand now. The shadow of a man behind him watched once again, confused.

"I got this for you. It's one of your nerdy magazines. You can read it once you wake up, 'cause Lord knows I won't be able to." Sebastian chuckled a bit as he placed it beside his brother on the lamp side table.

Sebastian grabbed a nearby chair, swiftly swinging it around to face his brother, reminding him of the darkened memory of when he was a 'Smooth Criminal' with that Lopez girl. He still hadn't decided if the memory was good or bad. But he had time to figure that out.

He patted his jacket, placing his hands on it as he leaned forward, staring at his brother. He seemed distracted. Or so the shadow man thought. He took advantage of this moment and attempted to sneak out. Only making it a few steps into the light. Not even past the end of the bed.

"Never took you as the stalker type, Anderson." Sebastian said, keeping his eyes on his brother.

Blaine nervously chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck, "I'm not." He promised.

"Here to make fun of me?" Sebastian asked, lacking emotion. It all seemed lost...

"No, no. I just, I heard about what happened, and I had to see it for myself." Blaine explained.

Sebastian nodded in understandment. Blaine started to walk towards the identical Sebastian, standing behind the original. Blaine remembered the all forgotten name that was mentioned the other day.

"So, Bartholomew?" Blaine asked, trying to smile.

"Barry." Sebastian corrected. Blaine nodded.

A few seconds of silence. But it felt like a lifetime.

"What's he like?" Blaine asked. Sebastian wanted to smile and answer this, but it was hard.

"I barely know." Sebastian was honest, shutting his eyes for a second.

"What do you mean? Don't you know your own brother?" Blaine was confused.

"Not really. I've only known him for a few months." Sebastian replied sadly, he was still shaken over it.

"You never knew you had a brother?" Blaine asked, starting to put two and two together.

Sebastian shook his head.

"How did you find out." Blaine asked, willing.

"Not important." Sebastian replied, stuffing his hands in his pant pocket.

"So, what is?" Blaine asked.

"The fact that for so many years I never met my older brother." Sebastian replied.

"Older?" Blaine smiled, starting to tease him.

"Don't flatter yourself, it's only 2 minutes." Sebastian wanted to smile now, but it was still so hard.

"So, by what you know so far, what is he like?" Blaine asked once again. Sebastian let go, he started to smile at all the new found memories. He tried to hide the smile, but once he started to talk, it gave it away in his voice.

"He's nothing like me. He's smart. Funny. He's a huge nerd. There's this particle accelerator thing going down in a few months and he's beyond excited." Sebastian continued to smile.

"Big words, huh?" Blaine joked, smiling.

"Not really," Sebastian chuckled, "I don't even know what it means. All I know is that he says it 24/7." Sebastian shook his head, taking in a deep breath, "He's even got a nerdy little crush. And get this, it's on a girl." Sebastian scoffed as he shook his head again, "Disgusting hetero." He joked, smiling.

Blaine smiled, chuckling a bit as well. He stuffed his hands into his pocket.

A few more seconds of silence. This time it seemed less delayed.

"I can't wait to meet him." Blaine smiled.

Sebastian's smile slowly faded. Into a small realization. He was realizing it all now. If Blaine met Barry, they would become friends. Barry would find out. He would find out that Sebastian wasn't exactly the angel he seemed to act out to be around him. He was much worse. Much, much worse. And Barry didn't need that right now.

"No." Sebastian said quietly.

"What?" Blaine's smile also started to fade.

"I said no. You're not meeting him." Sebastian shook his head, looking at Blaine now.

"Why not?" Blaine was almost hurt.

"I just- I said no." Sebastian closed his eyes. Quickly opening them once again.

"But Sebastian-" Blaine started, but was cut off.

"I said no!" Sebastian yelled.

He sighed and looked away. Not wanting to look at Blaine because he knew he was close to his breaking point. He would break down. He knew it. And now wasn't the time. Not now...

"I think you should leave." Sebastian managed to speak out, a silent tear slipping from his face.

Blaine reluctantly left the room, shaking his head. He was hurt, and confused, and mad. A mix of emotions he didn't even fully understand himself. He knew a talk like this was something he should keep to himself. Something he shouldn't talk to the others about. But somehow, by the end of the night, everyone would know.

I'm gonna keep the chapter in Third Person POV unless It's just one person included in the chapter or for some unfathomable reason, some person is intrigued with my story and wants a certain perspective.

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