Chapter 3- the skittle loving red haired beauty

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Ashley P.O.V.

I was so surprised. what is he. doing here!?

I decided to behave like I didn't recognise him and said "I'm sorry did I know you?" and was quite pleased with the calmness in my voice.

"wait,you didn't recognise me?" he asked and I bit my lip to hold the laugh looking at his hurt and confused face.

"uh..are you Adrian?" I asked and laughed looking at his face redden in anger.

Julian and Adrian hated each other since I met them.I never knew why but knowing this fact and manipulating it for now was fun.

"calm down Julian I know its you!" I said and he gave an amused expression before saying "well well the skittle loving red haired beauty is still quiet the pranking idiot too eh?"


julian Scott just called me beautiful.

okay he said beauty but it implies the same right?

"earth to ash" he snapped his fingers and I realised I had zoned out.

"what?" I snapped and he said "look inside the glove compartment.

I knew this was fishy. maybe there was a lizard in there. or a snake.

or a kitten.

I was highly allergic of kittens.

how can a goddamn kitten survive there!?

and then I bravely conquered the world as I opened the glove box and squealed

in delight not fear.

"SKITTLES!!!" I shouted and held the bog box to my chest,cradling it happily and he laughed.

"same old ash same old "

I couldn't help but smile.


just a filler chap because I was too lazy ^_^

but love you all ! thanks for taking the time to read this and it gets interesting I swear so please just wait.. ^_^


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