Chapter 1- the unexpected invite

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'Dad?you home?' ashkey asked as she walked in her house noticing she got no reply, she understood he was on another job. Her dad was a cop and a bloody good one at that,

She walked up to her room to find a letter on her bed. She found it wierd, then expected it to be from her company, but when she opened it, it read

"hey ash!

Its me kristy! Remember me? High school?

Well, we are having a little reunion, sleepover in our school! Everyone is coming at it took me a while to track you down but anyway, its this weekend, yes in five days that is, so do be there okay?

You better be there young lady! Anyway i'll call you to confirm too! Bye!"

'high school. Its been ten years since i went there. I quite blocked out a lot. Mom died and we shifted in a haze. Who the hell was kristy now?' ashley thought as she searched for her yearbook from valley high

She found it and flipped pages to find kristy musgraves, "oh that bitch who kept bullying me untill she found out mom was a fashion designer!" ashley said and tossed the yearbook away. Her phone rang and she picked it up.


'heloo is it ashley?'

'yeah,who is this?'

'umm, hey ash its grace. Remember me?'

'oh my god! Course i do you were my best friend in school! How are ya Gee?'

'im great ash, you?'

'im alright i guess. Hectic work!'

'yeah thats new york right. Well are you coming to the reunion?'

'i dont really think...'

'you have to ash please for me! Pleassseee!'

'fine i will come okay?'

They talked for a little more until grace had to go. They said thier goodbyes and ashley hung up. She smiled as she remembered grace, she was her childhood friend and always wondered how she was.

Ashley sat on her bed wondering what to do now. She didnt want to meet people from her old high school but she promised grace now.

She sighed as she heard the door open

'dad?' she called out as she walked out.

'hey kid. How was today?' he asked and gave her a hug

'you better read this dad.' she said and handed the letter.

Her dad read it and frowned

'do you plan to go?' he asked looking at her

' well i think yeah. I wanna meet grace, you remember her right?'

' i dint know if you should go ash'

'dad im twenty five let me go right?' she said and rolled her eyes.

'fine, you can go. But promise to take care, okay?' he said

' yeah cool. Dont worry pop' she said and hugged him back.


i know its more of a filler.. But there is more in the next one!

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