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I waited outside for John to pick me up, thinking about the letter. I never really got in trouble with my father at this point so I did not know how he would react to something like this. Things like this would occasionally happen at the other schools I would be transferred to while with my mother; but she would never be home to sign or hear about them and we would move somewhere else anyway, so I wouldn't have to worry about growing any sort of relationship with my peers and teachers. However, I would now stay put; there was no more escaping my behavior anymore. This concept took a bit of time to set in, I got there. A part of me felt that he wouldn't be that mad since we agreed with each other on things often, so maybe he would see where I was coming from. I was planning on asking Aiden what he thought but he claimed that he saw his mother and then disappeared into the crowd of children and parents. While thinking about all the different ways this could end, I heard my name being called; it was John. I told my teacher he was there and pointed him out; she let me leave but decided to exclaim:

"Don't forget to get that note signed!"

As if I didn't remember after the millions of times they told me. It was most likely done on purpose so John would ask me about it or tell my father about it. I harshly sighed and continued to walk to him.

"What note is she talking about?" he asked as we walked to the car. I didn't know which way I would go. Do I lie? Or do I just tell him the truth? Well, I went with what I thought was the best option.

"I have no clue" I responded with a puzzled look on my face; when in doubt, deny, deny, deny! He looked at me suspiciously as he opened the car door.

"You don't?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow. I hopped into the car next to Rosie and buckled in.

"Nope, must be something she said while I was out of the classroom" I shrugged; I thought I had it in the bag. There was a bit of a pause as he got into the driver's seat, so I thought it was all over.

"Why did you leave the classroom?" he asked.

"Why are you asking me so many questions?" I responded. He sighed and shook his head.

"Your father will get it out of you, I'm not even gonna bother," he said, driving off. I didn't bother to respond since I didn't want to seem too defensive; there was another pause, but this one was much longer.

"What happened?" Rosie whispered to me.

"Don't worry about it, sweetheart" John responded, turning his head slightly towards her.

"Nothing" I answered, then mouthed 'he's crazy' to her.

"Cecily, I can see you in the rear view mirror," he said, our eyes meeting in the said mirror. I mouthed 'oops' and smiled, but he wasn't too amused. Why was he so annoyed? It was almost like he knew; I didn't think that I seemed that guilty, I was usually good with this stuff. Little did I know, he knew more than I thought.

 After the whole interrogation drama with John, we arrived at 221B and I finally got to leave. I opened the door and walked up to the stairs to the flat. As I was about to walk in the door opened and a man and woman walked out, looking right over me like I didn't even exist. I walked into the flat, looked around and saw my father standing by the fireplace. 

"Hello," I said, putting my book bag down. 

"Cecilia, would you grab that note out of your bag and sit down here," he said, pointing to the armchair by him. I don't know why people feel the need to use my full name when I do something 'not so great.' I decided to comply for once and took the note out and sat down. He held his hand out and I put the note in his hand. 

"Did you know that I got an interesting call today?" he asked. 

"Um, no, I wasn't here?" I sassed; however, he didn't find it too funny.

"Ah, yes, and where were you?" he asked.

"School" I groaned. 

"What a coincidence! I got a call from school today" he said in a mocking way, I definitely deserved it.  I was shocked, they told me they wouldn't call if I just got the note signed. 

"Now I know how Julius Caesar felt," I said, shaking my head. "It wasn't my fault!" I exclaimed. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, I had no clue there was another Cecily in your class who was also new today and spoke back to the teacher" he responded. I just crossed my arms and sighed. 

"She started it" I mumbled. He rubbed his temples and sighed. 

"I cannot do this right now, I have another person to meet in ten minutes and you and I will continue this after that." He said. I got up and speed walked to my room and slammed the door. 

>For those of you who do not follow me but still care about where this story ends up: I'm just posting to say that I don't think I will be finishing "The Sociopath's Daughter" and I'm sorry to those who want me to continue. Thanks to those of you who supported my story! I honestly am really happy and shocked with how many reads it got so again, thank you and sorry for the few who still wanted this to continue :)

*Update 2020: 

I apologize that I'm so wishy washy in my final decision on whether or not I will be finishing this story as I've since moved on from the fandom and gotten older. However, I peek my head in onto this account every once and a while and see that people are still reading this! As well as commenting and voting! 

Not sure how great the story is, as I started it when I was relatively young, but my stats say that a good amount make it all the way through! so that's a good sign I suppose :)

Since quarentine has got me writing again I may add another chapter if enough people would read it :) So if you've made it this far and want it to continue please comment and let me know! 

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