A Little Bit of Everything

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I instinctively ran out in a panic.

Breathing heavy.

Manically looking around, trying to see what I missed when I first saw the police box. I walked around it, keeping my hands on it at all times; it was normal. I peaked my head back in just to make sure I had accurately seen what I thought I saw.

The inside was easily 3x the size of the outside, and that was just the FIRST FLOOR, as in there were seemingly multiple floors.

"Cecily!" Aiden exclaimed.

"What is...happening?!" I exclaimed back.

"What's wrong?" he asked with a cheeky grin.

"What's wrong with this thing?" I asked, starting to walk around and look at the machinery in the center.

Buttons flashing, levers to pull, who knows what else.

"It's not a thing, it's my house" he corrected, enjoying my confusion.

"This isn't a house" I corrected back, "this is like an alien's house" I commented as I reached to press a button.

"Well, maybe I'm an alien" he joked as he quickly pulled me away from the center.

"What would happen if I pressed it?" I asked, smiling.

"I don't know, I'm not allowed to touch it either" he shrugged.

"Well, what do you and your friends usually do," I asked, "all these buttons and you cant push ONE?"

"I've never brought friends here before," he said, "We usually don't stay long enough for me to make friends"

"Is this actually a spaceship?" I asked, excitedly, disregarding most of what he said. "Are you an alien?" I asked, poking his head.

"I don't know," he said, swatting my hand away. "My parents don't call it a spaceship" he added.

"What do they call it?" I asked, looking around more.

"Not a spaceship," he responded with a worried tone, "We should probably leave, they should be coming back soon"

"Who?" I asked, "we just got here".

"My parents," he said, peeking his head out the door. He waved me over and I quickly followed; he then escorted me out. "I want to show you more, but I haven't told them of any friends I've made, if they see you I could get in trouble"

"That's okay" I assured, "you can come to my house next time," I said, smiling.

"Sure!" he replied, smiling back. "See you then"

"See you" I responded before he closed the door.

I stood there for a moment, taking in that small time of pure confusion. As I stared at the box, I suddenly heard my name being called.

"Cecily!" John exclaimed, he was most likely the one who even noticed I wasn't there.

I turned around to walk back home and instantly bumped into a man and woman.

I clumsily stepped back, catching myself from falling.

"Excuse me, little madam," the man said cheerily, "now, what are you doing out at by yourself?" he asked.

"Do your parents know where you are?" the woman asked, kindly.

As I was in a dark alleyway, I was a little petrified, so I just nodded.

"My dad just called me," I quickly said before hurrying past them and walked home at an increased pace.

My heart was beating a little fast, but once I was far away enough I started to calm down. 

 I got home I saw John outside the front door looking around. He saw me and rolled his eyes as he walked toward me.

"Cecily you cannot keep wandering off like this, we've been through this many times," he started his ranting, very frustrated. I started to just daydream about what I had just seen.

"I was with a friend" I answered to get him to stop talking, he looked at me with growing shock and concern as we went upstairs.

"What friend exactly?" he asked, opening the flat door. It definitely sounded a little suspicious but c'mon.

Shut up, John, I just saw ALIENS. 

((Short chapter, but I've seen people commenting and thought to put out a couple of chapters just bc :), hopefully, they're up to your expectations))

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