Birthday cake

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A/n: so I've decided to turn 'Moonlight' into a ziam one shot book. If u have prompts, u can write them on my message board, in the comments or on my private messages. (I won't mention ur account if u don't want me to). Vote,comment, recommended and add to ur library because I will update often. Hopefully.

Zayn's POV:

Frosting, flour and all sorts of spoons and bowls are scattered in a mess around our kitchen. My once white apron is now coated with all sorts of colourful frosting. Well I clearly can't bake I think to myself as I take a deep breath and walk towards the fridge for more eggs and milk. As I walk past the counter, I slip and land with a thud on my butt. I groan and lean my back against the counter. It's Liam's birthday and I've completely ruined the kitchen and cake. I run my hand through my hair before realizing I had blue icing all over my hands. Shit. My pink head now has streaks of blue, making me look like fucking cotton candy. I face palm and get the icing  all over my face. I groan loudly and take a deep breath. Maybe I can accomplish something as simple as cleaning the kitchen before Liam comes. I stand up and grab the first thing I see, a bowl full of chocolate frosting for the cake. I probably should have wiped the floor first. I stumble and land on the floor. The frosting bowl flys up and lands on my lap, the movement resulting in frosting splashing into my cheeks. I sigh before sticking my finger into the bowl and licking it. At least the frosting tastes good. I'm sitting on the floor, eating frosting looking like a disaster. I invited 3 of our best friends for a party soon and the house was a complete mess.  Well, it was only the kitchen, but still. I reckon things can't get worse, when the door clicks open. Liam.  I shrink further back and I hear footsteps enter the kitchen. "So Zayn, what have you been up to?" He asks, helping me stand up. "Oh the usual, discovering I'm a screw up at yet another thing. Baking this time" I sigh.  Liam smiles. "What flavour cake was it."  I look up and he connects our lips. I purposely tangle my fingers into his hair, making it sticky with icing. Liam pulls away and licks his lips. "Chocolate?" He asks. "I have to be sure" he says as a smirk forms on his face. I swear if he licks my face... I pull myself to the side of the counter and Liam chases me while trying to pull the blue icing out of his hair. He corners me before he grabs my arm and pulls us both down. He's on top of me now tickling me. I shriek with laughter and yell at him to stop. Liam shakes his head no and pins my wrists down. He leans down and lingers near my lips. I lift my head a little to kiss him, but Liam quickly leans down and slides his tongue across my cheek. "Liam!" I say laughing even harder. "Yup that's chocolate" he says. I'm still laughing when Liam bends down and kisses me. I throw my hands around his neck and deepen the kiss. We pull apart to breath before I slam my lips into his. We continue to make out, before, Liam pulls away and starts kissing down my jaw and then sucking at the base of my neck. I pull his head up and we're kissing again. Then I hear more footsteps and a beep. I look up to see Louis, Harry and Niall staring down at us. Niall has his phone out, recording us. Harry holds a grocery bag filled with ingredients while Louis places a gift bag in the corner with Niall's present. There's silence for a moment before Louis is smiling triumphantly.  "Told you Zayn wouldn't be able to bake the cake" he says to Harry . I flip him off and get out from under Liam. "You guys are 1 hour early" I comment as I stand fixing my hair. They all give me a shut up look and then proceeded to get rags and mops from our storage closet. Well, except Louis who grabs a juice box from our fridge and seats himself on the sofa, directly in front of the kitchen. Niall rolls his eyes and begins wiping Down our counter and dishwasher. Harry starts to mop the floor in circular motion. "Niall, who taught you to clean a kitchen? You're doing great Harry, keep up the great work! And happy birthday lee" Louis says taking another loud slurp of his juice. Once the floor was clean enough to be walked on and the dishwasher was wiped down enough so that they could load the dishes in without making them dirtier, Harry pulled out cake ingredients from the grocery bag. Eggs milk, flour, yeast, butter and-wait I was supposed to add butter? Louis finally gets up to help Liam do the dishes by doing the very complicated job of pressing start on the dishwasher. Niall wipes down the remaining icing. "Alright Zayn,lemme show you how to make a cake" Harry states, pulling my upper arm. The dishwasher runs its course and Harry finds a decent sized bowl which, I offered to hand wash. Harry quickly added what he needed to, eyeballing some measurements, while properly measuring others. He was whipping the batter like a pro and I was shocked at his skill. A crash sounds from the dishwasher and Louis is standing there, a broken plate at his feet. "LOUEHH YOU IDIOT!" Liam says going to get a broom. Harry then accidentally spills flour and tells me to go get the other broom. I nod and immediately go to find Lia-get a broom. "Hey lee...sry I ruined your birthday" I apologize upon seeing him. He drops the broom and kisses my cheek. "No darling, you didn't ruin anything." Liam reassures. Wrapping his arms around me I accept the hug,cuddling into his chest. We stand like there for a couple of moments before I kiss his nose. I bend down to get the broom to give to Harry.
"Niall shut up!"
Louis flips off Niall and continues making out with Harry. "But not in my car!" Niall protests. "Chill,we won't fuck" Louis snaps back, pulling his lips apart from Harry's for. A minute. "Then can you at least wear your shirt?" Niall asks. After at least an hour of cleaning, our kitchen returned to normal. After a shower and change of clothes, we all got in Niall's car to go to his place. That brings us to the present. Niall pulled up in his driveway and we walked towards the door. When we entered, people popped up, screaming birthday wishes to Liam. Liam gasped and beamed at Niall. We all stared, as none of us knew this was gonna happen. Ah well, the party continued and partway through, I locate Liam and pull him out of Niall's house. "Zayn, what's wrong? We were having a great time, no?" Liam asks, worry visible on his face. I give him a reassuring kiss and tell him to follow me. "I still haven't given you my present." I whisper in the darkness. We walk for about 10 minutes, my hand intertwined with Liam's, guiding him under the stars. As we approach our destination, a gasp escapes Liam. We're at the very place we finished off our first date and kissed for the first time. On a stone bridge above a calm blue lake. Tonight, the bridge was candle lit and the light mixed in with the moonlight, illuminated Liam's gorgeous features. We walk along the bridge, stopping at the very middle. I squeeze Liam's hand before I kiss him. This kiss is slow and sweet, sweetened even more by the taste of chocolate and coffee mingled on Liam's lips. I pull away before I pull Liam across the bridge and to a cherry blossom tree, a simple bench placed underneath it. The trunk of the tree is wrapped in fairy lights I had bought earlier and the soft winds blows the petals around us. After we seat ourselves, close together, Liam notices. The glowing lights on the grass, spelling out words I've waited my whole life to ask.

Will you marry me?

His reaction is perfect. A gasp as he realizes what it says and a smile as he realizes it's reality. He looks at me, I'm now holding out a ring, a black band with a strip of diamonds through the middle. It was a little expensive, but definitely worth it. On the inside, I had specially engraved the words property of Zayn Malik. Liam lets a few tears slip as he allows me to slide the ring onto his finger. When it's on he admires it for a minute before kissing me square on the lips. "This was the most special day ever. Thanks Zaynie" Liam whispers, as I rest my head on his shoulder. "Your welcome babe...happy birthday...I love you" I respond. Liam lifts my chin and kisses me passionately. "I love you more" Liam mumbles with his mouth still pressed against Mine.

A/n: so! How was that? If my one shots are to short, let me know in the comments. Thanks to all you lovely people that take the time to read this.

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