6. Back to Reality

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Still Summer and I'm still lovin' it! Okay here's chapter 6! I hope you enjoy, and if any of you guys have questions, go ahead and ask without hesitation!! I also wanted to thank all of my fans for their support! Also thanks to anyone else who happns to stumble upon this book! I guess I'll get right to the book!! THANKS!!!!

The song: I don't love you by My Chemical Romance, makes me think of how sad and betrayed Skylar first felt when she found out abbout the kiss!! 


 I walked into the front door of my house, took a deep breath and walked up to my bathroom to shower. I started to make my way up the usual beige stairs, while holding on to the Aspen wood railing, but Kristen grabbed my arm. I wasn’t in the mood to talk, see, or hear her so I shrugged off her hand and kept walking. She didn’t grab me again, which I was grateful for and left into the living room that was on the left when you entered into the house.

“Sky?” I heard her call out. I shook my head and bolted up the stairs and ran into my room.

When I knew I was safe from her I walked into my bathroom that was next to my closet, and looked into the mirror. My makeup was old and had crusted a bit, and my black hair that usually fell five inches past my shoulders, was knotted and thrown into a sloppy ponytail. I must have lost a little more blood than I thought because my cheeks were whiter than normal, and my scar stuck out terribly. I reached into my pants pocket and pulled out the shard of a mirror and placed it onto the black countertop of my sink. I undressed and let the water slowly warm my body. The sensation of peace overcame me and it somehow felt familiar. I shrugged the feeling away and let the warm water fall over my stitched head, and enjoyed the sting.

I think I had been in the shower for at least a good half hour before the bathroom began to get too steamy for me. I stepped out and the cool air whisked around my body making goose-bumps rise on my arms and legs. I wiped away the steam on the mirror, but more steam and watery droplets only replaced it. I wrapped a towel around my thin body and walked into my room. I swiftly walked to my door and twisted the lock then walked into my closet. I went straight for the chest-of-drawers on my right and pulled out my underwear, bra, and a pair of short pajamas. Even though it was 5 in the evening, I wasn’t in the mood to go anywhere, so I decided to get comfortable. I walked back into my bathroom, which felt less humid, then picked up the shard of mirror. I walked back into my room and fell backwards against my plush, sea blue comforter on my bed.

I studied the fragment that fit in the palm of my hand. I flipped it on the other side to see if anything was different, but it was just the same as the front. I flipped back and examined the jagged edges, surprised that I hadn’t cut my right thigh open several times. There wasn’t even a hole in my pocket that made me think that it probably wasn’t as sharp as it looked. I looked at right index finger and saw the small cut that was pink around the actual blood red colored scab. I gently poked the spikey side against my middle right finger and to my surprised it hurt a little more then I thought it would. I looked directly into the fragment and saw a black and white reflection of myself. My eyes were the most beautiful blue I had seen which frightened me because; all the mirrors I looked into didn’t reflect back almost colorless.

I focused more closely when a knock at my door made me flinch and drop the shard onto my bed. I sighed and gingerly put the mirror under my pillow. “Who is it?” I asked.

“K-Kristen.” She mumbled.

Anger flared inside me so I decided not to be so nice to her. “What do you want?” I questioned sharply.

“It’s just… can I come in?” She replied with a hint of irritancy.

“No.” I said before she finished her last word.

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