2. New Items

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Okay, second chapter! Thanks again for all the reads that I've gotten so far!! I really appreciate you all!! :D okay, well here's a pic of the inside of "Sally's Stay Inn" I just pulled it from the Internet after i was done writing this chapter. Probably not the smartest idea. :P Well I hope it's good enough! It's actually really close to what I first pictured!


After a long night filled with nothing but blood spilt dreams, I was glad to be awake, and on our way to Aunt Tilly's house. The sky was a clear, beautiful, blue and had a few wispy clouds. The air was a little humid, and I could smell the ocean on the road. I stuck my head out of the Jeep and sucked in a deep breath of air.

Then I started to wonder what Danny had been doing while I was gone. I pulled out my cell phone and started texting him how my one and a half days had been here so far, and asked him what he was up to.

"Who are you talkin' to?" My mom tried to look over at my phone. I quickly shoved it in my pocket and waited for the text.

"Just talking to Danny." I smiled at her. She turned her head and continued to try and find the right house that fit the address. By now, we have been guided into a weird street, which I didn't know the name of. The houses seemed to grow older the farther we went along the road.

Eventually we came to a stop in front of a little, green house that looked like it had gone through a lot. The wooden deck, that wrapped around the front and off to the left, had missing pieces to it. It also had random deep cut marks in it. On the right, there was a flower bed filled with wooden crosses sticking out of the dead tulip patches. The front door was similar to the deck, but it had all of its parts in tact. Some of the windows were randomly scattered around the building. They were all the same, cracked, cob webbed, and dust caked onto them. The knob to the front door, was the only beautiful thing about the house, because it was a shining silver.

I quickly check my phone, and still no answer from Danny. I shrugged and put my phone back in the pocket. I turned to give my mom a 'You have got to be joking' face, but she grimaced and pulled into the gravel drive way.

I sighed and jumped out of the passenger seat and and started to open up the flattened packing boxes. Once they were all done, we headed for the door. Surprisingly, even though we had the key that got mailed to us from the landlord, it was tricky to open.

After a couple of attempts that failed miserably, my mom has to ram her should against the door to make it ajar. Instead of my mom landing hard on her side, it seemed like something was blocking the front door. This time I had to help her out and put my shoulder into it too. It seemed almost impossible, when we started to creak it back even more.

"Do you see what's in the way?" I asked.

"Nothing but a little light seeping through the windows in the living room." My mom replied.

That's when the door came swinging open, and I fell right on top of my mom. My breath got knocked out of me, and my mom was moaning about how she should have given birth to a skinnier child. It wasn't a fat comment, I'm actually a little under weight, she just likes to tease, especially when she's hurt.

Dust whisked around the floor, which made me shiver. This place hasn't been abandoned for years, only a few weeks, so I wasn't sure why there was so much of it around. I quickly stood up and brushed the fuzzy dust bunnies off of my pants and shirt before I turned to get a better look at the inside. It seemed like any other old persons house. Old antiques hanging on shelves, a big grandfather clock in the living room, right next to the floral print couches. there was a long hallway that led you into a few rooms. It seemed weird to have something on the outside look so repulsing, then to find out the the inside was normal. Maybe even a little beautiful.

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