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The ghost of your love still haunts me,
But I can't stop coming back to what used to be our home.

"I love you"s, "forever"s, and "alway"s
Still hang in the dead air where you used to be.

The hallways, and rooms are all cold,
Because I can no longer start the fire,
And all the warmth is gone.

The front door's hinges are broken,
You had slammed it so hard and fast,
Shutting me out from the light.

The hole in the floorboards,
The one my knees broke though
When my soul weighed me down
When you replied "I never did,"
Stays untouched in the kitchen.

The walls I had been building for years,
Which I had taken down for you,
Lay crumbled on the floor.
My hands have been bloody for weeks from trying to put them back up.

Everyone of my pillows tear-stained,
Every light slowly flickered out,
Every surface covered in dust.

You weren't a wrecking ball,
You had held up this foundation,
You helped build it up.
My destruction was of a much different kind.

No, a wrecking ball was too predictable.
Instead you just let me rot from the inside out.
Never even looking back when you put me in the rearview mirror.

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