Chapter 3

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Gerard's p.o.v
I went down stairs to fine Jena asleep. She had a death grip on a pillow and was curled up in a ball shape. She looked so peaceful. It sucks that she has to go through this. No girl should. "Gee..." she said with a groggy morning voice. "Morning m'lady!!!" I said running down the stairs hoping she didn't think I was a creep for staring at her. She sat up and watched me as I made cereal. She just stared... "want some?" I offered. "YES!!! Oh sorry... yes please... and thank you kind sir!!!" I made her a bowl. "I still need to get my things from my exes house." She said shoving her cereal in her mouth. "Oh shit you have to go to that guys house again!?" She nodded with an upset look. "Well I'll go with you. Incase he decides to do anything stupid!" She giggle. It was so cute. My crush is getting worse. Thanks heart for picking a girl who would never go out with a flabby sun of a bitch like me!!! "Umm Gee, You okay???" She asked snapping me out of my trance. "YUP ABSOLUTELY FINE!!!" I said with an enthused tone. (Might I add was fake as horse shit!!!)


Jena's p.o.v
We go to my exes house. I sigh just as the sight of the place. It was old and broken and had panties everywhere... on the porch, on one of the chairs on the porch, and even the window sill... this guy was a whore... I can't believe I actually fell for him once. He treated me like shit and slept with any breathing thing. "Well looks like he doesn't miss me." I said pointing to the panties. "We he's a whore, that's what whores do. And he's missing out on one hell of a woman!" I looked at my stomach. "And a child..." Gerard held my hand. "You don't need him to help with the baby... you're already strong and independent!" I smiled. I got out of the car telling Gee to wait outside. I open the door (Which was unlocked) and went to get my stuff. I herd moaning and squeaking in another room so I guessed that he was busy. I got most of my things and decided I would get the rest later. I mostly grabbed clothes, shoes, and jewelry. I put it all in a bag. I was walking down the hall when I saw him. SHIT THAT WASN'T HIM IN THERE!! "Where are you going princess!?" He said slurring his words. He walked closer to me and grabbed my waist. He took my bag and dropped it. He pushed me into a room I landed on the bed. HE GOING TO RAPE ME!! He got on top of me and I tried to get him off. He pinned my hands down and started to take my pants off. He took his shirt off and soon mine. He duck taped my hands above my head so I wouldn't fight back. He was just about to take his pants off. "WHAT ABOUT THE BABY!? YOU MIGHT HURT IT!!!" He looked angry. "EFF YO BABY!! I JUST WANT SEX!" He started leaving hickies. "STOP I BEG OF YOU!!!" Gerard ran in and pulled him off of me. They got into a fist fight and Gerard knocked him out with an ash tray. I got the duck tape off my hands and covered myself up. "Are you hurt!? Did he hurt the baby!?" I started crying. I dropped the blanket and hugged Gerard.

Gerard's p.o.v
She hugged me... in her undergarments! I blushed like there was no tomorrow! She was crying that hurt my heart. That dirty basterd deserves to die. And burn in hell. He doesn't deserve to be alive nor to have ever spoken to Jena. And he doesn't even care about his own child. What a doche. She pulled back from the hug and immediately put on clothes. I looked as she put her shirt on. She has a tattoo on her arm, like her wrist area. It says "I'm not okay" in cursive. "I didn't know you had a tattoo." I said still looking at her pant less legs. "My eyes are up here!" She said pointing to her face. "Sorry looking at your other tattoos." She had two more one on her thigh. It was a lion, I guess she's a Leo, and one on her v-line. It says "beast in bed". "Yea my dad was a tattoo artist and also a iron worker." I'm terrified of needles. "I like tattoos but I'm afraid of needles so when I got theses I was terrified. I don't regret getting them but I do regret fainting after the first one." She lifted her hair up and on her neck was a tattoo that said "Fuck the judgment". "Woah... well I'm terrified of needles and I'm not getting one. I'd die." She smiled and grabbed her bag. We got into the car.

**Time skip brought to you by Mikey's unicorn**

By the time we got home it was really late and Jena passed out on the couch after watching one episode of Spongebob. She had her head on my lap. I got up and pulled the bed in the couch. I picked Jena up off the love seat and laid her down. I was going to go to my room when she pulled me down onto the bed thingy. She cuddled me like I was a teddy bear. I kissed her forehead knowing she was passed out. "I love you m'lady." I whispered. I started playing with her hair and found the hickies from that bastared. I calmed down and fell asleep...

Hope you enjoyed the story. If there are any suggestions you want to add just comment not this page or you can message me!!! Have a wonderfilled day/night!!!

❤️There For You- Gerard Way x OC❤️Where stories live. Discover now