Chapter 1

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Jena's p.o.v
I was with my asshole boyfriend at his house when I found out the news.... I was in the bathroom with a pregnancy test in hand. It was positive. I stared at it, until my boyfriend came home drunk. He was at a party. I opened the door to tell him the news. I saw him with 5 other girls. I sighed and asked to speak with him alone. We went to the porch. I showed him the test. "BUT WE USED PROTECTION!!" His voice broke the sound barrier. "No you used a broken comdom." He got angered and slapped me. I fell into the road. A car was going by. It stopped right before it hit me. My boyfriend came over and stepped on my head. "YOU LITTLE SHIT FACED SLUT!" He yelled as he tried to choke me. The man in the car came out. "HEY!" My boyfriend turned his and and got knocked out completely. I tried to get up. "Here let me help you." He helped me up and had me get him his car. I sat down I the seat he closed the door. "Where's your house?" I looked at him. " I can't go home..." I whispered. The reason I was at my boyfriends house was that my mom kicked me out the week before. I explained to him about everything. "Hey do I know you from somewhere?" I asked. My voice hurt like hell. "Maybe you do seem familiar.." We stopped at a red light. "Hey... Your Gerard right?" He looks at me. "Yea... How'd you know?!" He was so confused. "Oh, I go to school with you." He tried to remember. "Wait your Jena right? The popular chick! Yea I remember now!! Your friends kinda bully me..." His face saddened at the last part. "Really!? Those assholes.. I'll tell them to back off!" He smiles a little. "Thanks." The light turns green. "You know your not gonna be popular for long... with the baby." I look down. "Yea I know. At least I have people who will take care of it while I'm at school so I don't have to drop out." He pulled into his drive way and open my door. "Thank you kind sir." I say in a British accent. "Your welcome m'lady." We both laughed. "You know I don't know why people bully you. Your an awesome dude!" I flash him a smile. He tilted his head at the ground hiding his blush. "Thanks.. I guess." He opened the front door. I walked towards the couch. "I'll be back with medical supplies." He says as he went to what seemed like the bathroom. I had bruises and cuts all over my body. Gerard came back with the medical kit. He opened it and put alcohol on a gauze. He placed it on my cheek. It stung but I held back the pain. "Sorry.." He looked at my eyes. "It's ok! Thanks for helping me." I flashed him another smile. He returned the smile. He finished cleaning me up. "You can stay on the couch." He went and got pillows and a blanket. He placed them on the arm of the couch. "Good night!" He turned away, but  I grabbed his wrist. I pulled him into a hug. "Thanks again... I really mean it!" He tightened the hug. "It's alright.. Gets some rest." He pulled away, and left the room. I laid down on the couch, and thought about what would've happened if Gerard didn't save me. I pushed the thought away. I pulled the blanket over my shoulders and drifted off to sleep. Tomorrow will be one hell of a day!!

❤️There For You- Gerard Way x OC❤️Where stories live. Discover now