Chapter 4- A little more than a friend

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You and Moira walked back inside, holding hands still. She smiled at you, and you smiled back... Moira was very tall, atleast over 6ft. You looked up at her, still smiling.. the you realised soon that you were just zoning at her....... you quickly turned away, blushing.  Noticing you were blushing, she turned to you and smirked. "[Y/N], your cheeks appear to be a darker shader of pink than usual... Are you shy?" Moira smiled at you.  "N-no, i'm fine, u-uh...."   You stuttered, and started to sweat a little. "[Y/N], No need to panic, its perfectly fine to be shy~" Moira said, and gave you a small wink. While you blushed harder, she continued to guide you back inside.

"Oh, look! Has someone made a friend?" A familiar mexican accented girl spoke from the opposite end of the room. It was Sombra.   "Ugh... Sombra... Leave them alone..." Said Widowmaker. Doomfist looked at you and Moira, and smiled. Moira sat down, offering you a chair next to her, and you sat down too. "Thank you Moira." You smiled, looking up at her. She had the most beautiful red and blue eyes, ginger hair, and the most perfect face ever... What... Why were you thinking about her so much?!?!??! Nevermind... you were just friends with her , you told yourself.. but that didnt feel right.. your body fighted the fact that you thought you were just friends..... You wanted to be more than friends

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