Chapter 2- The first day

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You arrived to where you were supposed to meet on time, luckily for you. You walked in, and looked around. You saw a man in a black coat, wearing some sort of mask, a woman, with... blue skin??? , A girl with purple and brown hair wearing some sort of coat, a man with no shirt who appeared to be quite buff, and a woman with short red hair.  The girl with purple and brown hair walked up to you. "Hola!, i'm Sombra. Whats your name?"   she asked.   "Uh... im [Y/N]" You replied awkwardly. Sombra smiled "That's a cool name, welcome to Talon!" You smiled awkwardly at the girls enthusiasm, and looked around, feeling eyes staring at you. "Sombra, calm down, it is obvious that you are making her feel nervous." Said the woman with red hair in the farer side of the room. Her left hand seemed dead as her fingers were purple and boney... her nails were long , and her face perfect and sharp. Her eyes were beautiful two, one being red and the other being blue... then you realised... you were staring at her. "S-sorry!" You blurted out... "Anyway.. thanks..."  you smiled , looking at the ground. "Oh, it's nothing. My name is Moira. Nice to meet you, [Y/N]." Moira said, smiling warmly at you. She introduced you to the rest of the group, Doomfist, Widowmaker, and Reaper. They were all quite welcoming and kind.. But there was something about Moira that just seemed different.... you couldn't quite figure it out , though. 

You decided to take a seat, next to Moira.  She just smiled at you, noticing your shyness... You turned away, and tried to start up a conversation.  "So, miss Moira, what is it that brings you to Talon?"   Moira sighed, deciding just to briefly explain. "Well, i'm a scientist. I modify genetics and i want to find out a way to recreate the building blocks of life... but Overwatch said my methods were dangerous and extreme, and they ruined my reputation... Now this."  ...You looked at her again, and it made a little more sense why her arm was like the way it was now. You decided not to question her about it, as you didn't want to annoy her.  "Oh..." You replied.. "Overwatch kicked me out because of something my parents did..." you said, not wanting to think about it. "How disgusting. More proof Overwatch is just a bunch of idiots." she replied... You smiled, it was nice to know that there were other people who were similar to you...

{Overwatch} Moira X Reader- Outcasts.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang