Don't question my authority

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Melissa's p.o.v.

Today Harry and Liam haven't been listing to a thing I said. Niall and Morgan were  at the office, Megan was staying at a friends, and Zayn and Louis were at a play date. So far they didn't clean there rooms, didn't eat breakfast, and were running around the living room after I had told them plenty of times to stop. I was cleaning up the kitchen when I heard a crash. I ran into the living room to see a vase broken and Harry and Liam standing there looking guilty.

'DIDNT I TELL Y'ALL TO STOP RUNNING'?!?!? 'y-yes' they both said with shaky breaths. 'Go stand in the corner now' Liam went strait to the corner while Harry just stood there. ' I said go to the corner' 'NO YOUR NOT DADDY YOUR JUST OUR STEPMUM SO YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!!!!!' He screamed at me. My patience had worn thin so that threw me to the edge. I went over to him and turned him around and started spanking him. He started yelping and tried to get out of my grip so I pulled him over to the couch and over my lap. I hit him hard on the bum. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK X4

I pulled him into my lap as he was sobbing soon he calmed down. ' I'm s-sorry Mummy' he said through sniffles. ' it's alright just don't question my authority' he nodded. I called Liam over and gave him the same amount. We ended up falling asleep and I knew the boys wouldn't question my authority again.

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