Grounded,sneaking out,punishments

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Niall's p.o.v.

I'm  literally gonna kill Morgan. First I ground him for hitting Harry again. Then he whines because his friend's want to hang out and I said no. Finally I told him to go to his room and when I go to check up on him later he was gone. 'babe' Melissa said knocking me out of my thoughts. 'calm down then you can go get him and then punish him' I sighed knowing she was right we sat on the couch quietly talking before I got up to go get Morgan.

Morgan p.o.v.

Stupid dad grounding me well haha jokes on him because I'm at my friends house and we are having fun. 'hey Morg wanna try a joint'? 'sure let's do it' I agreed. We left telling Anthony's mom that we were going to the park. Once we were at the park we lit the cigarettes and started smoking. Until I heard my whole name being shouted. ' MORGAN ELIAS HORANput that out NOW'!!!!!!!! I hurried to do what he said. He stormed over to me grabbing me and sitting on the bench and then started spanking me. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK DAD STOP SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK IM SORRY SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK Finally he stopped and let me up. I saw Anthony standing there looking shocked. I glared at my dad before running home.

Niall's p.o.v.

I stopped spanking Morgan and let him up. He looked over at a shocked Anthony then glaring at me and running off somewhere. I sighed knowing I screwed up. I looked over at Anthony. 'go home and tell your parents what you did and I will be calling to make sure you did' 'yes sir' he replied before walking home. I walked to my car driving home. Right when I got home Melissa was at my side questioning me. 'why did you spank him in front of Anthony let alone at the park' 'bae I'm sorry but I couldn't control myself I was so mad him he was smoking' ' I know bae but go talk to him' I sighed nodding heading up to Morgan's room. I knocked twice before entering. What I saw tore my heart apart Morgan was on the bed tears streaming down his face. 'get !!!!!!he yelled at  me. ' hey I know your upset but you do not yell at me understand'? ' Yes Sir' 'good I'm sorry I spanked you in front of Anthony and at the park but you can't go around smoking ok'? 'yes sir' 'good now come hug me ' I said and he got up hugging me. We stayed like that before we got in bed. With Morgan falling asleep and me soon after.

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