Twin Problems part 2

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Niall's p.o.v.

The twins have been fighting all day about little things that aren't even important. I sighed laying on my bed  relaxing before the twins were at it again. "DADDYYYYYYYYYYY"!!!!!!!!!!! Well that dream was short lived. I got up going to the twins room. "why are y'all shouting"????? "he cut my superman shirt up"!!!!! Louie yelled "one no yelling two Zayn why did you cut his shirt"? "he broke my poweranger" Zayn said "ok b-" "he called me a poop head that's why I broke his poweranger" "excuse me do not interrupt and Zayn you know name calling and using scissors without permission is not allowed" "sorry daddy" he apologized "boys what both of you did was wrong Zayn naughty step Louie naughty chair in the kitchen understand"? "yes daddy" they said in unison. I sighed going to set the timer before they could get of timeout. After the 10 minutes were up I let them leave they apologized and then went to play. I started making dinner and then called the boys to eat. We were having spaghetti. "eww daddy these noodles look like worms" Louis shouted "haha they look like your face" "no they don't" Louis shouted back they both started back and forth. Before I could stop it Zayn was throwing noodles at Louis while Louis was spilling his drink on Zayn. I got up pulling Zayn up too and with fast hands I pulled down his trousers and underwear and started smacking his bum fast and hard. He was screaming and crying for me to stop. After 30 I stopped and ordered him to his room and he ran ever so fast. Next I pulled Louie up pulling his trousers and underwear down too and started spanking him. "daddy s-stop I'm s-sorry he sobbed out once I gave him his 30 I told him  to go to his and zayn's room and if he fought with Zayn he would be in bigger trouble. Then I turned to Liam and Harry and said "finish your dinner and DON'T DARE come upstairs understand"? "yes sir" they both replied. I thanked them then going up to the twins' room. What I saw made my heart shatter. Zayn was crying into his knees while Louie was sobbing into the bed. "boys daddy is sorry for spanking you that hard but you can't just throw food around" "s-sorry daddy" "it's ok boys but next time you will get the wooden spoon" "yes sir".

"I LOVE you boys" "LOVE you too daddy"

Finally finished there will be a Part 3 and Megan,Morgan,and Melissa will be more into the story.



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