♡ Chapter 14 ♡

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"You know, I reckon you'll be amazing to Remus. Don't change!" She grinned, waving weakly as he left.


Packing her things, she nostaligised over her year. The year where her identity was half discovered and friends were made: friends, she kissed the pictures she'd gotten of her friends and wrapped herself in Mrs. Weasleys knitted jumper she was gifted. Hogwarts was more a home than when she was with the Dursleys, she had more friends and family here than she ever could get anywhere else. It was a safe place to be no matter where you came from or what you are...

As Liza beckoned her from the dorms, Audrey took one look before she knew she would have to surrender to the dismal Dursley life.


In the carriage, she saw the scarlet steam train come to a halt across the Black Lake, Liza began to wail as she realised, "I'm not going to be able to speak to you all summer!"
"Yeah, who would want to?" Rochelle moaned,
"That was rude Roshy!" She glared at her intensely; "Sisters..." Audrey grumbled, "We still have letters, I know it's not the same-"
"I guess so but it doesn't beat the real thing." They wouldn't stop hitting each other with Bertie botts, each battle more intense... Until the girls entered the train.

"I hope no Dementors come on the train on the way home" Liza chuckled, fiddling with her curled locks, "Yeah..."
"What's up pouty?" Rochelle asked, seeming generally concerned? "Woah, Roshy cares!"
"Shut up..."
"I just- ugh! I think I need a change- a good one! After all, I should never change the good things" the sisters stared blankly at her. "Maybe the hair? That seems to be the only dull thing about you" Rochelle said non-chalantly,
"Maybe... Wow! You actually helped me"
"My life's mission: ruiiined" the compartment broke out into laughter and never stopped. Nicholas eventually joined the group, grinning from ear to ear, "Malfoy you look like you've just been snogged"
"Might as well have! I'm going to watch the Quidditch World Cup this summer, I would invite you guys but..."
"But you're dad's a bugger"
He half-smiled, "Yeah hehe."

After an extensive game of wizards mini-chess, a little bit of taste the Bertie Botts and Nicholas sketching out portraits of them, Audrey skipped on down a few compartments finding the Trio in the middle of catastrophe: a hooting, whizzing thing darted about the place. Eventually capturing it, she stood there for a while until she coughed to cue her entrance. "I-I... I just wanted to say, I'm sorry about not telling you sooner I-"
"Shut it Audrey" Harry rumbled,
"To be fair, you at least know you're still cousins-"
"Ronald!" Hermione stood, "What the boys are trying to say is that, we're hurt that you didn't confide in us... Audrey I considered you a friend"
"You are my friends! It's just..."
"You don't trust us"
"Do you think it's been easy! I've known for a good part of the year that I'm a Demon-witch child and-and... I'm trying to hold it together and I couldn't when the truth came out" Audrey paused, "I want to try again, but this time... I want to be more included! Honestly, I felt like my name was Harry's cousin when I came to sit with you." Harry stood. Roughly wrapping his arms around his cousin, she welcomed him back, sniffling out of love for her family and friends.


"Did Dumbledore explain anymore? Like why? Did Dursleys-" she nodded,
"The only Dursley that wasn't confunded was Petunia. She willingly took me in, knowing I was her sisters kid" Harry scratched his skull; "Oh!" He said, ruffling his hair and taking out a letter, "Its from Sirius."

Dear Audrey,
Unless you didn't know, I have escaped thanks to Harry and Hermione and of course Buckbeak. Harry will explain. I wrote to you to say that I wish that you were my daughter, you are my only link to Quinn now and I hope that one day you and I can be a sort of family.

I'll be writing to you and Harry over the summer and school term, I'll write under the name Snuffles.

You must use that name when you write back in case someone intercepts the letters. Another thing. You look more like your mother than I let on.

Truth is her eyes were just like yours, never let your mother die in memory.

From Snuffles.


Trees gradually retreated as the train neared Kings Cross, the cousins turned to each other, both having a feeling of vulgar distain in their stomachs.They all carried their secrets as they exited the train, secrets that nobody else needed to know.

Harry had a Godfather, whom was a marked man considered murderer. He knew Sirius was framed by his father's friend.

Hermione kept her time Turner hidden on her neck, sure not to tell anyone she had fiddled with time.

Ron's rat was the man who betrayed his best friends parents, giving their lives over to Lord Voldemort.

And Audrey... Blood relations have been severed and strengthened. A beginning towards self-discovery has arisen. Loves may have formed. But one things for sure... Throughout the year, the Dursley's Voice was never silenced.

That's the first book finished! I know large parts of the book PoA was missing I'm human! I have my reasons. More of the contents of the original book wasn't here because Audrey wasn't there for the most part. More of a side-main character. Next book will be out soon! Bye!!!

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