♡ Chapter 5 ♡

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"So Sirius Black escaped Azkaban to come after you?"
"No, he just escaped to take him out for tea" Audrey said sarcastically, Ron couldn't process the fact that Sirius was after Harry and sat dazed, "Bloody hell." They sat in silence as if frozen in a picture frame in the muggle world, Hermione's hand clasped over her mouth, Ron dazed and Audrey stared blankly at Harry; "How are you not dead?"
"Audrey!" Hermione hissed,
"What? I'm just saying-- you told me last summer the most evil dark wizard of all time is hell-bent on destroying you and now, a murderer is after you. You don't really have the best luck in the world" Audrey swore she heard a chortle at this from the sleeping man, but ignored it. Jolting to a halt, the train was filled with confusion and panic as to why it had "-stopped?"
"This is a magic train-"
"We can't possibly be there yet" Audrey uttered nervously, Hermione's cat hissed and spat for quite a while when... "Blackout." They stayed in their seats, hearing shuffling towards them, "Ouch!"
"Audrey? Is that you?"
"Yep. Come sit down you'll hurt yourself-"
"Hey, Neville..." Harry groaned; helping the boy to his feet. Ice crawled onto the Windows, the temperature plummeting as it did so, as if all the life was being drained from the train, Audrey snuggled close to her cousin and Ginny, for once in a few times in her life: petrified. "Quiet!" Prior to this there was a commotion, which paused by the hoarse voice of Mr. R J Lupin, he now held a fireball in his hands; directing it towards a hooded-figure. Audreys blood ran like icicles, she could see rotting flesh for hands and underneath the hood was a gaping hole for a mouth; she couldn't control what happened next. All other sounds were drowned out by that of Harry's one. Single. Scream. It was slightly unearthly to a point it wasn't Harry's. When she collapsed into darkness.


"Audrey? Audrey!" A familiar voice called out, it was Ron and Hermione, both pale and extremly shaken. The lights were on again. "Wha- you look like you've seen the ghost of bloody Christmas future. Where's Harry?" They directed her sight to a sprawled Harry, being assisted by Lupin, Audrey dashed to him; "Is he alright?!"
"He'll be fine Ms- Lily..."
"Um... No, I'm Audrey Dursley"
"Ah. Are you siblings?" He referred to Harry and herself, "Cousins. Thank you-" she grinned awkwardly as Lupin handed out chocolate. Harry finally woke, Audrey embraced him heartedly, "Thank god!"

After the inevitable greetings, Harry turned to Lupin, "What was that- thing?"
"A Dementor. A guard from Azkaban it was searching for Sirius Black, don't worry it's gone now. I must have word with the driver" he threw Harry a chocolate piece, beaming, "Eat. You'll feel better." That Mr. Lupin is quite interesting, he called her Lily- like Aunt Lily? She thought, watching the train continue on it's journey, "What happened?" Harry asked, "I don't know- I was out like a light. I've got to get changed."


Throwing on her robes and tying up her hair, Audrey was delighted to find that the train had come to a complete stop not five seconds ago; hurriedly, she ran through the bustling platform towards the booming voice screaming, "First years! Come on- first years don't be shy. Come on!" Belonging to an eight foot tall man whose brustly beard only enlarged him, Audrey had heard of this man: Hagrid, Harry's friend. In the crowd of first years was a curly blonde boy, whom began to shiver as the wind picked up, "Hi"
"Hi! I'm Dennis!"
"Audrey" she replied; shaking his trembling hand, "Cold?"
"A-a little" he nodded, Hagrid noticed. Wrapping his thick coat around him as rain fell down in buckets and the wind howled as though calling out to it's pack, as the boats rocked violently, Dennis fell into the water! "Dennis!" Then, a thick moist tentacle sprouted from the waves plopping Dennis back where he was. "Please don't fall over board again- you'll be considered fish dinner next time."


The boats swam towards the rocky cliff wall, ivy crawling from its crevices, "How are we supposed to get to Hogwarts if there's a giant wall of rock in front of us?"
"Magic? Duh" snorted a red head girl, Audrey watched intently as the ivy lifted itself to reveal a boat house; she smiled brightly, "Huh. Well, that's definitely magical" the girl mumbled sarcastically after her, making Audrey tense up before a tight-bun headed woman in silky, emerald robes approached them. "Here they are Professor Mcgonagall"
"Thank you, Hagrid. Now you'll go to the feast and leave them with me-" Hagrid trudged up marble stairs out of sight, leaving a trail of damp bootprints behind him. "Welcome first years, now for those of you who don't know this already- once we enter the Great Hall, you'll be placed into for houses depending on what qualities you exhibit. Gryffindor, Huffelpuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin-" she paused, glancing sternly at all of them, "-I will lead you to the entrance door but you must wait there. Follow me."

Mcgonagall was true to her speech, but little did Audrey know she wouldn't be where she'd hoped.

Chapter 6 done! Lovelies! This book has gotten considerably more reads than initially, I'm greatful for all those who chose to read it. Thank you. Leave a comment! As always >>> Bye!!

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