Chapter 1

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Harlem, New York

I sighed, threw back my covers, and got out the bed. I knew that I had to get up for work, but some days I wish I could just lay in bed and catch up on sleep or watch reruns of Love and Hip Hop.

I went into the bathroom and did all of my hygiene. After I lotioned up and got dressed, I sat down on my bed. I looked at my phone, I saw that it was 8:05. Instead of going to make myself breakfast, I made the executive to just stop by Starbucks on my way to work. I grabbed my purse, keys, and heels and headed out the door. I walked to the elevator in my apartment complex and exited the building.

The moment I stepped outside, my lips formed a small smile. It was the middle of May, so the weather was extremely nice. It wasn't too cold or too hot. I think this was one of my favorite times of the year. I stepped into my matte black Jeep Wrangler, put the key in the ignition, and sat there for a minute. I was about to put my Bluetooth on when I saw that I had 2 messages. One was from my mom and the other was from my best friend Miracle.

Mommy😘 : Good morning baby. I was wondering if you could pass by for a little bit after you get off? 

I texted her back letting her know that I could.

Bestie🤣👯‍♀️ : We're clubbin tonight. Just letting you know ahead of time.

I rolled my eyes at her message because she was barely letting me know ahead. Instead of responding to Miracle, I decided to text her back later. I went back to what I was originally doing and put on some music from the old school R&B station on Apple Radio.

After sitting in traffic for a good 45 minutes, I made it to the Starbucks around the corner from my job. I grabbed my purse and stepped out the car. In no time I was in Starbucks and standing in the line looking at the menu. I already knew what I was going to get, but I just wanted to see if there was a new special or something. When it was my turn I ordered a plain bagel with cream cheese and a caramel frappe. While I waited, I decided that I'd just text Miracle back now so that she wouldn't bug me about leaving her on read.

-😒 How you know I didn't already have plans ?  9:02am

Bestie🤣👯‍♀️: Girl you never have plans. 9:04am

- Yea whatever. Where at? 9:04am

Bestie🤣👯‍♀️: Lust👀👅 9:05am

"Raven?" I heard my name being called and looked up. It was the guy at the counter with my food. I said thank you and walked back to my car. I was supposed to be in work at 9:30 so I could waste a few minutes eating my bagel. Once it got to be 9:15 I pulled out of the Starbucks parking spot and headed to work.

"Good morning Mel," I said to the receptionist when I walked into the office building.

"Hey, good morning Raven." I walked to the elevator and waited for it to open. Accompanied by a few others, I smiled and pressed the 12. Once I got off I went into the the door that was at the end of the hallway. I sighed as soon as I stepped in.

"Hey Jerry. Whatcha doing?" I saw there was the tech guy in my office messing around with my computer.

"Oh hey Ms. Raven. I was hooking up the box for this new program. This one is way more secure and hopefully you guys shouldn't have any more problems with missing work. So when you log into your computer make sure you give it access to whatever it is you need and it all saves internally. Whenever you need to find a file, you know how to run it by name. Only difference is you have to go through this app instead of the old one. You can really delete the old one now. " I nodded my head at Jerry informing me on the change in things. He left from my office and I and waited for my computer to boot up.

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