chapter 14 - John's POV

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hey my lovely readers. this week has been one i've had mixed emotions about. i was happy because of Christmas. sad because Jake and Tyler had to go to their dad's house. happy because me and my mom got to go to a cave. super upset upon hearing Jake and Tyler got in a car accident because their dad was driving. scared because the roads are slippery and our truck swerved. but here i am, updating, because i felt bad for three "chapters" in a row of not being chapters. so here we go.

"Anything, you say, Johnny boy?"

John turned around quicker than he had ever done before. And John's been in the army.

"W-what? What do you mean by that?"

"Well it's simple Johnny boy, you do whatever I tell you and you get Sherly back. Oh isn't this grand?"

John was stunned. How could Moriarty have Sherlock? Did he? Hold on, Sherlock was alive? All these thoughts ran through John's mind.

John was about to make a decision that was unnecessary considering that Molly was with Sherlock, yet our poor John had no idea. John's decision decided everything.

"O-okay. I'll do it. Moriarty I swear to God, if I don't get Sherlock by the end of the week..."

"You'll do what Johnny? Huh? You can't think of anything, because there isn't anything for you to do if I don't follow through. You're just going to have to trust me Johnny boy." Moriarty smirked knowing full well that John had to agree.

"If you don't agree, well then I can promise you that Sherly won't be safe at all. You do want to give him his best shot don't you?"

John was mad now. He had no choice but to agree to the terms.


"Brilliant! Well John, we're going to collect you in an hour or so. I have a job to do, well I have people to do my job and I get recognition for it. Well goodbye John Watson, I suggest you prepare yourself."

"Prepare myself? For what, exactly?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." Moriarty called as he was walking down the stairs.

John was confused. He had no idea what just happened and he had no idea what was going to happen. He was scared to say the least. He didn't know what he was supposed to prepare for. John was pacing around the living room. He had too many thoughts racing through his mind and he needed to calm down.

There was one bottle on the table, half full. John decided to drink it all. To keep him calm and collected. Then he was going to pack an overnight bag. Then sit and watch telly. That was the plan. Yet, we all know that plans never go according to plan.

John sat on the couch and drank the entire bottle of wine. He didn't know what kind it was. All he cared was that it was empty. After sitting there for a few minutes, John stood up and stumbled a bit, but regained balance. He walked out the door and up the stairs to his room.

He packed his bag and walked down the stairs. The door was open. He could have sworn he closed it when he was on his way upstairs. Maybe he forgot? Maybe not.

Moriarty and Moran were sitting in Sherlock and John's chairs. Moriarty in Sherlock's. Moran in John's.

John was furious. Who dares to sit in Sherlock's seat. How disrespectful. The man just died. Yet, he didn't did he?

"Ahem, could you not sit in Sherlock's chair?"

Moriarty stood up and Moran stood up with him.

"Johnny boy, do you remember our deal? You do what I say and you can have your little romance with Sherlock."

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