chapter 2 - John's POV

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John walked out into the living room area to see Sherlock with a smile on his face. So John asked him why he was smiling. Sherlock had replied that the magazine was intriguing.

John was surprised. Sherlock hated magazines, they always made him feel bad about himself. So when Sherlock acted like he loved the magazine, John couldn't understand.

Another thing John couldn't understand was why Sherlock was being so nice to him. Sherlock never showed kindness to anybody, not even his own parents. Sherlock had asked John if he wanted a cup of tea, which was strange. Sherlock should have known that John didn't drink tea right before he went to bed. He would have to go to the bathroom.

John declined the tea and went to go upstairs. He could feel Sherlock's eyes follow him as he walked up the stairs.

Sherlock was acting strange lately, maybe for a case? John couldn't figure it out. It seemed Sherlock knew something John didn't. But then again Sherlock always knew something John didn't know. John opened his bedroom door, and climbed into his bed. He forgot to shut the door, so he climbed out of bed and shut the door. Then he climbed back into bed. And after tossing and turning, fell asleep.

John woke up, exhausted. He knew why. He was having a nightmare again. He hated it. The war haunted him. Not only in his thoughts, but in his dreams. He was drenched with sweat. John sighed, he had taken a shower the night before. It looked like John was going to have to take another shower.

John walked down the stairs and into the living room. Expecting Sherlock, he started to talk.

"Hey Sherlock, I'm just going to take a quick shower. Then I'll be ready for whatever you have planned involving cases today. Okay?"

John realized Sherlock was not on the couch, or more importantly in his chair. He looked around and looked in the direction of Sherlocks door. It was shut and it looked as if the light was off.

John quickly quieted down, thinking that Sherlock had been sleeping still,  and opened the door of the bathroom. Sherlock had been changing. John saw his back. Sherlock's spine was prominent, he looked sickly skinny. John couldn't believe Sherlock was damaging himself this much. John cursed to himself when he realized the door was still open and shut the door quickly. Luckily Sherlock was turned around, so he didn't see John or hopefully hear John for that matter. The fan was on, and the door didn't creak, so Sherlock most likely didn't hear the door or John.

John sat down in his chair waiting for Sherlock to leave the bathroom. About a minute later, Sherlock opened the door and shut it behind him. John stood up. Sherlock turned around and saw John.

"Oh hello John. I didn't expect you to be down here so early. A shower again? You only had one last night."

John gave a half-hearted smile. He didn't want to say anything. He was still shaken about his nightmare and seeing Sherlock.

"Well Sherlock, I have sweated some through my shirt. I just need to freshen up, then we can go do whatever you need for your cases."

"I know John, I heard you."

John glanced up for a second. Did Sherlock know he opened the door?

"John the bathroom is all yours. And might I ask why you are sweating? Bad dream? I have tho-"

Sherlock paused as if he had said too much. John was confused, Sherlock having a bad dream? About what?

"Yes Sherlock, a bad dream. Just about the war. It's uh, it is nothing really."

John practically ran into the bathroom and shut the door. He was terrified that Sherlock might know what about the war he was having nightmares about. He couldn't tell anybody what happened, because John could barely tell himself.

As John was taking his shower, he cried. He cried and hoped to God that the fan noise covered his sobs.

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