chapter 8 - John's POV

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Hey all! I'm so happy that my story is being read! Makes it worth it to write this. Aaaaaaaaannnnnnnnddddd I'm sorry about being untruthful with the times that the chapters are coming, I've been pretty depressed and down lately, and a whole bunch of other stuff. But that shouldn't get in the way of writing, writing makes me happy, so let's hope to lots more chapters. Okay, now on with the story!


John was in a cab. Typical for John. Typical because he is the trusty blogger, and being a trustworthy person means running around all over the place to do things for Sherlock, because only Sherlock trusts John.

Before John left, Sherlock told him to say hello to Mary for him. Which is odd, because Sherlock hates Mary. John didn't know why, Sherlock didn't particularly hate all the other ones. He actually kind of liked Sarah. But maybe it's because she helped on The Blind Banker. John had sighed and thought to himself, 'There is no point in trying to figure out Sherlock, it would take ages'.

Sherlock told John he was going out for a while. Which was fine, Sherlock needed to get out of the house. Something was going on with him, making him a totally different person.  John couldn't figure out what was going on with him. It was driving him crazy. John wanted to let it go, really he did. But Sherlock wasn't a man to show emotion at all, let alone crying over a broken cup.

John was going to call Sherlock and tell him that he (John) had left to go pick up Mary from her house and take her to Angelo's.

((Back to when John is in the cab in the beginning of the chapter, just to avoid any confusion))

John sat in the cab. Silently, that is. His palms were sweaty. He pulled out the box. He opened for the 5th time to make sure the ring was still in the box. Just as the other 4 times, it was. John closed the box and put it back into his pocket. He did not want to lose this box.

John had saved and saved and saved for this ring. It took him 3 months to save enough for the ring. It was silver with diamonds imbedded on the outside running around the entire band. ((Does that make sense? I just wrote down what my mom's wedding ring was like, because I don't see many wedding rings. If it doesn't make sense, let me know))

It was a beautiful ring. John knew it was the one for Mary when he saw it. It was expensive, but Mary was worth it he thought. Mary was worth everything to John. John hoped that he was worth everything to her. 

John decided he was going to call Sherlock before getting to Mary's house.  It would help John to be less nervous about proposing to Mary. Sherlock could help him with that.

Well, could Sherlock?

Maybe Sherlock was going through a breakup?

But with who?


Hmmmm, no. They never showed love or affection and besides, Molly is dating Jim the IT, the one who is from upstairs where Molly works.

Molly is out of question.

Hmmmm, maybe it was Donavon?

Noooo, wait Sherlock wants to see Donavon fired, so no.

Ooooooh, maybe, just maybe...... Could it really? The woman? Irene adler? But wasn't she lesbian? She said so herself. What if she was bi?

The cab stopped at a red light and John looked out the window. He saw St. Barts, it reminded him of Molly, which reminded him of Sherlock, which reminded him to call. John pulled out his phone and dialed Sherlock's number.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.

"H...H... Hello?" Sherlock answered the call. Sherlock Holmes, the texter, actually answered John's call.

"Uh, hey Sherlock. It's John. Erm, well I'm going to propose to Mary tonight. Any words of advice to calm me down? I'm super anxious and nervous right now."

John noticed the light was still red. Mycroft must be mad today and is messing with the traffic lights. It was a past time of Mycroft to do things of this nature. Mess with the traffic lights, switch out cabbie drivers for his own drivers and take Sherlock and John to the other side of town, opposite of where they needed to go.

"Y...Y....You're prop...proposing to Mary, tonight?! W..why!"

Sherlock seemed mad. Why would Sherlock be mad? He would have the table all to himself, covered in experiments. Nobody to force him to eat while on a case, even if it did slow him down.

"Em, yeah. I'm proposing. Any words of advice?" John asked again so Sherlock would actually answer him this time.

"Don't do it."


"You heard me John. Don't marry Mary. ((I laughed at this. Marry Mary. I don't know why. I need to get a life)) She isn't good for you. I know this John. J...Just don't do it."

"Sherlock, I love her. Nothing is the matter with her. I think, yes, I think you are just jealous because I have a girlfriend. And you just broke up with yours haven't you?"

John could practically see Sherlock's face when he heard silence through his mobile phone.

"John. I...I'm not dating anybody. I never have. I've never allowed myself emotion, so why, why on Earth would I have a girlfriend?"

"I don't know Sherlock. Wouldnt you like to have a girlfriend?"

"Mmmmm, no. I don't believe so. Not really my area."


"John, I am sure you have realized that Mycroft has done both of his past times at once. First, the traffic lights and two, the driver. ((don't worry, it isn't the cabbie from ASIP or Moriarty. Although, that would be interesting)) John, can you get out of the cab?"

"Em, sure. Sherlock, what's going on? How, how on Earth do you know about the red light? Or the cabbie?"

"Because John, I can see you. And I need you to look up."

"Sherlock, is this going to be quick? I have a dinner reservation! I can't miss it! It's to Angelo's."

"Angelo's is doing dinner reservations now?"

"Ever since it became the place known as The Sherlock Holmes Restaurant."


"Sherlock what is so important? Can it wait?"

John looked at his watch, quarter to 6 on a Thursday night. At least it wasn't a weekend, then Angelo's would have no room for John and his soon to be fiancee. If, if all goes as to John's plans.

"John, I need you to look up."

John looked up and there he saw him. On the roof. The roof of St. Barts. What could Sherlock, be doing on a Thursday afternoon that involves the roof of St. Bart's.

Poor John. He had no idea that in the next 5 minutes, he wouldn't care about the ring in the box. All he would care about is Sherlock surviving.


Hey guys! So you made it though another chapter! Awesome sauce! So this chapter is considerably longer. Like 500 words longer. Which is a good thing.

Sorry about that quality of this chapter. I've been down lately, and I want to do nothing. But I don't want to do that to you guys. And girls!

Wow am I tired. Thank you for reading. ❤️

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