ive been tagged! again!

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I have been tagged.....again. Which actually I don't mind :)

Okay, let's get started, lol.

Oh, and I have the rules in the picture thing. Up above ^

__manyfandoms__ tagged me

13 facts about myself: (if you share anything with me, like you like the same color, put it in the comments :) )

1. My favorite color is orange

2. Harry Potter and Sherlock are my fandoms

3. I'm going into 10th grade

4. This year I will have been playing the violin for 6 years

5. I spend time on Wattpad more than anything else

6. Wanting to play cello and guitar

7. I have a whole board dedicated to Sherlock on Pinterest

8. That said board has like 8000 pins on it

9. I love writing, but I procrastinate (sorryyyy)

10. I have a crazy ethnic background

11. I love the ocean

12. Originally from Florida (that's why I love the ocean, lol)

13. And last, but not least, I had oatmeal for breakfast today

For the lovely people whom I am about to tag (I don't know if I used whom correctly, but it'll be okay)


You don't have to do this if you really don't want to, but I needed people to tag, and I only have like 15 followers, but have a great rest of your day.

I'm updating today!!!!!! Yayyyy, I know, I'm really bad at updating, and I have no excuse, so today I will update, and maybe tomorrow also.

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