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EDITED — 29/09/18

wc : 2013

Draco, being the Potions master that he is, proceeded to brew the love potion with exact measurements and focus. Whilst there's Weasley, doing....whatever he was doing since 3 hours ago. The ginger had been holding a frozen Ashwinder egg for probably half an hour, scrutinizing it whilst Draco has already finished the potion that will suffice to provide them two.

If only Draco didn't set freezing charms for the Ashwinder egg that is freshly hatched by a serpent that Hagrid gave him, then probably the egg will radiate intense heat into Weasley's hand and he'll burn his hands off. How unfortunate.

"Weasley, are you just going to stare into the egg until it hatches? Because it's not going to. It's dead." Draco drawled, boring his eyes into the egg in Weasley's grip. Poor egg, already infected with Weasley germs.

At the scolding, Weasley leisurely returned the eggs back into the small basket in the table in Draco's private room. Since not many are returning for this year, 8th year Slytherins have got their own private bedrooms with an en suite included. Very little number of Slytherins came back, not very sure about the other houses, though. Male Slytherins that returned are only himself, Blaise, Theo, and a couple others that Draco never found interesting to associate with directly.

"So, is it done?" Ron asked whilst leaning towards the sleek drawer in front of the bed.

"What is done, Weasley?" Draco asked back blankly.

"The Amortentia, you idiot."

"Oh? I'm surprised you even remembered what I was brewing since you were so occupied at staring at the suddenly interesting Ashwinder eggs for the last 3 hours, you did nothing but opening the vials and stirring the brew, Weasley. You didn't even stir the potions clockwise, you imbecile. I'll have Snape know about this." Draco snarled, sighing deeply in the end of his tirade to the stunned Weasley.

"At least I helped," He muttered back quietly, earning a snort and a "Right." from the blond.

The ginger sauntered it's way in front of the bubbling cauldron that has steam coming out from it and took a deep whiff of it and sighed contently, "Hermione."

Draco raised his eyebrow, "Alright. We get it, you're lovelorn. Woo-hoo, congratulations." He commented flatly. "Now bugger off and let me sniff."

He shoved the Weasley to the side and took a deep breath of the potion, what he smelt didn't surprise him, to the least; treacle tart, grass, musk, and male cologne. Potter. He tried so hard not to lean further into the steaming cauldron without burning his face off, but it smelt so good that he couldn't stay away. This is an aroma he rarely smells, if he couldn't have Potter, he can at least have his striking scent.

He restrained himself from wanting to drown in the potion by turning around and grabbing a piece of parchment and quill, and quickly wrote down what he smelled.

'On this Amortentia project, I, Draco Malfoy, detected an aroma of; treacle tarts, grass, musk, and male cologne.'

Sighing to himself, he handed the parchment to the Weasley that is deliberately still trying to get another strong whiff of the potion in front of him, "Write down what you smell."

Nodding, he took the parchment and sat down with a feathered quill in hand, and suddenly snorted to himself reading the piece of parchment.

"Your description oddly fits Harry, mate." Weasley sniggered and shaking his head to himself and proceeded to drag the quill in his hand to write down what he smelt.

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