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EDITED : 11/12/18
WC : 1,724


Draco hated Potter, so fucking much he just wants to walk up to the Gryffindor table and snog him senseless. He hated his tattered hair, the strands peeking wildly and almost touching his cheeks. Can't he afford a brush or a bloody working hair product?

He just wants to brush the hair away from his face so he could inspect his face better from the distance. If it weren't because of those spectacles protecting his eyes, he's sure that the locks of his hair would poke his green eyes. His huge green eyes, the way it shows an amused glint every time he laughs. And again, those stupid round glasses blocks his eyes so Draco couldn't see them too clearly, he's just counting down time before he incendio'd Potter's glasses right off his face out of frustration. No, he looked absolutely stupid.

If only the stupid git would accept his fucking hand on first year, he could be by Potter's side every time, and maybe be snogged, too. Stupid Potter.

Draco huffed, and rested his head on his arms that is currently resting on the Slytherin table in the Great Hall. Pansy, of course, noticed again that the blonde had been staring at Potter. She smiled sympathetically at the boy, she knew about Draco's undying crush towards Potter since 3rd year, she knew that deep down Draco didn't want to taunt him and make fun of him, but he had to. For the sake of his reputation.

When Draco didn't had the sense to annihilate Potter right then and there for not noticing him, he's actually a quite right sap in the ass.

"Draco," Pansy shook him in the arm, earning a groan from him. "Come on, let's head to the common room."

He pried his head from his arms and stood up, Blaise nudging him on the side.

"Come on, Drake. We'll chat in the common room, yeah?" Blaise gave him a reassuring smile.

Only Blaise and Pansy knew about what he has towards Potter. He saw Potter making his way out of the Great Hall with Granger and Weasley. His eyes crinkling slightly and it gleams as he laughed at something Weasley had said to him. Pansy tugged at his arm and dragged him out of the room to the hallways. Only to be meeting face to face with Harry fucking Potter.

He felt himself tense up slightly, unable to do anything, he sauntered up to him as a usual ritual to mock him.

"Potter," he wanted to taunt him, but nothing came out from his mouth. Instead he just stood there, cornering Potter by the wall so Potter's back met the wall. Potter looked up, his green eyes meeting grey. "What do you want, Malfoy?"

Exasperation lilted his voice, his eyes staring into Draco's, eyes green and persistent, and pupils slightly dilated. He kept his gaze on Potter, the air suddenly awkward for the both of them. Pansy facepalmed at the pesky encounter and Blaise snickered. Draco was completely frozen, and so was Potter.

Potter scented strongly of male cologne he didn't recognize, but it had an original scent that always etches on him, a sweet strike of treacle tart, also there was an indistinct whiff of grass and musk? Absolutely manly of him. Hm. Heavenly.

Okay. Why was he sniffing Potter now?

Harry leant back slightly as his back met a wall and Draco's hand on the other side of the wall, his hand slightly brushing his cheek since it was so close to touching his left cheek. They were just staring at each other, no words coming out from their systems, they forgot about Granger, the Weasel, Pansy, and Blaise's existence.

Harry, though, looked absolutely bored, "What do you want, Draco?" He teased.

Somehow, that made Draco a blubbering mess and pulled back slightly, face blushing madly as Harry snickered at his reaction.

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