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EDITED : 11/12/18
WC : 738


Harry separated from Ron that was trying to pry answers for his Herbology essay from Neville in the Gryffindor common room. He walked down the corridors by himself and heard distant chatterings nearing his way as he walked further down the dim lit corridors.

He walked around the corner to reveal Parkinson and Malfoy, suddenly freezing in their way, faces looking stunned before the bobbed hair girl's face turn smug.

"Potter!" She chirps obnoxiously, "when are you available to work on the project?

Harry scratched his nape, "Uh, anytime?"

"Great! How about now?" She switched sides from Malfoy to Harry's side.

"I guess?" Harry questioned and unabashedly cringed at his own answer. Parkinson suddenly waltzed next to him and Harry raised his eyebrows in surprise towards the girl that tried to hand him to the hands of Voldemort.

The girl laced her slick arm around his shoulders and smirked towards the implicitly fuming blonde in front of her, his eyes glazed of spite and hurt as he shot an indistinct sneer to Pansy, although he a faint blush was dusted over Draco's face. Harry however, wasn't paying attention to Malfoy's expression as he was busying himself with trying to unlace himself from Parkinson's possessive grip.

Draco sighed looking at the raven haired boy's effort trying to get himself out of Pansy's arm, "Pansy, let him go. Can't you see he's uncomfortable?"

"Oh, he's comfortable alright, right, Potter?" She broke a crooked grin to the exasperated raven.

"Uh," He bit his lip.

"Potter, it's useless to try and detach yourself from her grip. She's a bloody sloth, that she is." Draco sighed.

"Well, we best be going, Draco! Toodles!" As Pansy mercilessly dragged the poor boy to walk with her fast pace, she stopped for a second to whisper on Draco's ear who was currently adorned with silent jealousy.

She whispered, "You'll thank me for this, Draco. I don't have anything towards your man." Then shot a brazen smirk and sauntered away with a complaining Potter on her grip.

Draco stood shell-shocked in place, what does that mean? Pansy isn't going to confess his love to Potter right? Or tell him about his petty crush he had for him for God knows how long? Oh Merlin, he hoped to dear life that Pansy isn't going to fuck things up for him.

At the time Draco was going to proceed to continue his now lonesome trip to the dark Slytherin chambers in the dungeons, he heard his name bellowed by one particularly annoying voice. Weasley.

"Hey, Malfoy!" Weasley shouted even though he was pretty much 3 feet away from him. Draco cringed and tried not to cover his ears after the particularly loud call. He mentally prepared himself and turned around to see the ginger clutching what looks like a herbology textbook in his arms and he was as usual, adorned in his Gryffindor robes.

"Can you be any louder than that, Weasley? I'm literally right in front of you, you can call me normally, not by startling the whole Hogwarts. I'm not deaf, you idiot." Draco scowled.

Weasley glowered at the particularly devious chide and shook his head, "Have anything to do this particular evening? We have to do the Potions project quick so I don't have to deal with you anymore later on."

Draco should felt offended, at the slight, but no, he himself didn't want to see the Weasley's face in a daily basis much either. "Ergh, can we do it tomorrow morning? I'm exhausted and I need my beauty sleep." He smirked.

"Bleh, beauty sleep is just going to make you even more slimier that's for sure, Malfoy." His face twitched to one of disgust. "No, we have to do it now. I have some errands to run tomorrow."

"Cancel them." Draco says blandly, raising an eyebrow.

"You think it's that easy to cancel a plan, Malfoy? You snobby rich boy." He snorted

"Fine. Now then, in my room in the Slytherin chambers. Follow me if you don't want to cancel you imbecilic plan for tomorrow."

"A date with my girlfriend isn't imbecilic! I'll have you know that!" Ron chided, pacing his walk to Draco's extremely quick walk. Is this man half vampire or something?

"Oh my, poor Granger having to deal with you." He sighed and swished his robes, making his way to the dungeons with the Gryffindor tailing on him.

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