30 | Sweet Liquor

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"Hey, bud," I said, with one hand behind my back.

I pulled Jamie to my side of the conjoined rooms, asking the girls to talk with the rest of the band. Miranda had been doing everybody's Halloween makeup in the other room.

"Uh, hey," Jamie said, his neck and cheeks bright red. I could see the tiny pores on his nose, and a small smile. "So, why did you want to talk to me?"

"I know I've only known you guys for a little bit, but I felt terrible about your breakup," I mumbled, scratching my eyebrow. "And since you probably wouldn't want to talk to me about it, although I'm all ears, I got you something instead."

The hand behind my back pulled out a small box. It had no wrap, no bow, and was just white cardboard, but I was hoping he'd like it anyways.

He slowly took it from me. "How? I thought you weren't able to go out on public property without us—"

"Shh," I whispered. "I asked Miranda to fetch it for me. Don't tell."

His lips parted.

"I know it's not much." I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "Just don't work yourself up about the relationship too much. The one I was in a few years ago wasn't worth the tears afterwards."

Jamie kicked at the carpet, eyelashes downcast. "But... what I had was special."

"Had, maybe." I tried to skirt around the conversation carefully. "But the truth is, she broke up with you, so she couldn't have been the right one. You'll find better."

A dimple showed as he nodded. "Thanks."

"Now go on," my eyes flickered to the cardboard.

He opened up the box. It took a moment to register before he picked up a small bottle.

I swallowed. "Matt once told me your favorite drink was spiced cherry rum. This isn't nearly enough to get you drunk... but it could be a nice pick-me-up."

It took a few seconds, but soon his shoulders shook. I got worried until I realized he was laughing. "Well, bloody hell. Cheers to that."

Jamie gave me a large hug. I wasn't expecting that from him.

I soon felt a smile on my face as well. I felt just as warm inside as if I downed the bottle myself. "Cheers."

"There you go," Miranda said with a bore, finishing up Alex's makeup.

He was Alice Cooper.

Jamie and I came in from the other room, and Alex shot me a glare when I started laughing. "Don't even make a comment, Leah."

My hands were raised. "Okay, vampire drag queen."

Alex squinted his eyes.

Matt sauntered in from the hallway with Nick just behind him, leaving the door open from the hallway. Yellow light filtered in and reached out on the patterned carpet. Matt was wearing thick eyeliner, a red blazer, a bowtie, and a top hat.

Alex leaned back a little. "Who the hell are you, Matt?"

"Brendon Urie," he scoffed. Matt looked back to the hallway. "And haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?"

Matt was wearing a Scream mask. "Whoops," he said, muffled behind the plastic. He shut the door quietly.

Brea laughed. "You look like a mauled panda at the circus."

"Oh," Matt smiled, "but you like it, don't you? I'll happily wear this tonight if you'd like—"

Kelly punched Brea on the arm. "Sheesh, guys!"

Brea blushed.

"Don't worry," Matt rolled his eyes, laughing. "Nothing gonna happen with you in the room. Let's head out."

It seemed hard for Brea to contain her laughter. Soon we left the room, and Alex had to hold my hand once more until we got to a small rental apartment in the town. We couldn't be seen in our real place, or that could be bad news if somebody leaked where we were, so we took extra precaution. And nobody should find us: we were in costumes, and we left the knowledge to a limited amount of people.

The place had stone columns and pumpkins on the concrete stairs. Some of their light glowed onto the brick above, leading us to large wooden doors and a quaint sign above the lanterns near the sides. The place seemed extremely homey, with worn in corduroy couches and the smell of vanilla. A window beside the door that let the glow of the pumpkins inside. There were small tables, large wall clocks, a faded world map, boxy lamps, and torn spines of books tucked away in cubbies of the walls.

Jamie downed the small bottle while we waited for the first door to ring. It was soon dark and Alex was taking shallow breaths until a sound came from the front.

He was looking a bit pale, drawing out his words. "So what do I do, just let the kids say 'trick-or-treat,' or whatever, and give them candy?"

"Yeah. This is so exciting—the first time you've ever handed some out."

"You seem more excited than I do." Alex chuckled, in nervousness, I assumed. "You never fail to amuse me."

I get butterflies as I usher him to the door.

He swung the door open to two little kids in ghost costumes. They were practically screaming. "Trick or treat!"

"Happy 'alloween." Alex reached into the bucket of candy.

One kid screamed and ran off. Alex gave me a look with fear stricken on his face.

"It's just a costume, kid. Don't worry," I smiled. The other kid ran off to his friend.

Alex bit his lip, carefully putting the candy back in the bucket as if he was avoiding setting off a bomb. Then he scratched the back of his neck. "That didn't go as planned."

I laughed and Matt playfully punched Alex's shoulder. "Did you scare off the kids, Al?"

"You know what, Matt," Alex mocked, throwing a piece of candy at his friend.

Matt caught it and slowly opened the wrapper, eating the chocolate. "Thanks mate."

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