20 | Illusion Machine

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The midnight air was sharp in my lungs. Palm trees rose high along the beach, people crowded within inches of each other, harsh square floodlights tore at the darkness near the stage. The water behind it was indigo, rippling and glistening with the pale moonlight, and there were shadows of boats along the horizon. Everything was loud—especially the shouting from the beer gardens. The air was heavy with pot and the salt from the ocean, stinging my eyes as I made my way through the crowd to backstage.

I wasn't really recognized all night, but I had some heads turn as if I could have been a face they'd seen once. I watched a few bands earlier, but I was especially excited to see Arctic Monkeys as they stepped on stage. I had chatted with Brea and Kelly from behind the set near the trailers until I was allowed to hide behind the curtains on the sides of the platform.

The closer view held an odd intimacy I had no idea how to describe. Maybe it was the ability to see the way the colors of spotlights melted along the band's faces. It could have been the individual creases in Matt's jeans, the slight shake of Jamie's hands on the guitar strap, the light filtering in through Nick's hair. I couldn't stop watching how the blue spotlight danced on Alex's features and bathed his graphic tee in a violet colour, or the glossy reflection in his Gibson, or how his muscles moved underneath the clothing.

It was almost awe inspiring to see the faces in the crowd. People meshed and moved like the waves of the ocean behind us. They roared after each song.

Illusion Machine began, rattling the platform beneath me. Miles was in tight leather pants beside Alex. The lights were the bluest they had ever been, and it showered over the two in a mosaic of ocean shades. Alex looked to me, and I swore in the moment we were the only two in the world. He had beads of sweat underneath his messy hair, chest heaving, hand loose on the guitar's arm. The back of his neck looked damp.

Parted his lips for the chorus. "Send a letter to me, baby. I'm on the edge of my seat."

Everything went so smoothly, it was hard to picture that this morning they had been worried about the festival. Their act ended with a spectacular light show and a slowly dispersing crowd. The floodlights near the stage came back on. The blue disappeared and was traded in for white light.

Alex grabbed the one of the water bottles near the table I stood by and drank desperately. He wiped his lips after; the lines underneath his eyes and upper lip shone. "How was I?"

"Alright, I guess," I said, pressing my lips together to suppress a smile. It eventually broke free; his proximity made my heart race. "I was a tad impressed."

He grinned. "Just a tad?"

"Maybe a little more than that," I said underneath my breath. "Maybe you could play for me alone sometime."

Alex screwed the lid on the bottle shut. He had to take a step towards me and brushed his arm against mine to set it down. His voice was low enough that only I could hear. "I'd imagined we'd do other things if we were alone, but I'll add that to the list, if you'd like."

"Great performance!" Collin lightly punched Alex on the arm. I hadn't noticed him approach. "That's what I was talking about. I'm proud of you. What say we grab a few celebratory drinks? The beer gardens have offered you anything you'd like."

Alex swallowed and shrugged. "I'm pretty tired, actually. I was thinking of getting some rest."

Collin froze. "Oh. Okay."

Alex nodded and wiped his forehead. He gave me a soft smile and hopped off the stage to the trailers. I guess he was still pissed at his manager.

Collin shook his head. "Anyways, did you want to come with me?"

I wasn't about to take sides of any sort. "Sorry. I'm pretty tired as well."

He wrinkled his forehead. "Nobody ever wants to," he whispered. Set crew began to clean up the stage and carry away instruments. "Anyways, remember tomorrow's arrangements. I expect you to be at the shared hotel room at six o' clock. Have a good night, Ms. Greene."

Collin stuffed his hands in his pockets and headed out to the backstage stairs. I stood there for a bit, unsure what to do. Eventually I decided to head back to the hotel room. Kelly was the only one there—Brea had found a way to sneak out with Matt. Kelly and I stayed up late talking until we passed out watching TV. I wondered what Alex was doing the next room over. 

I Wanna Be Yours (Arctic Monkeys Fanfiction) UPDATED VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now