Family Time

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Jacob's POV

I threw my duty belt in the backseat, then started the car. Thankfully, I got out of work earlier than usual. I rolled down the window, letting a breeze come through. As I started to back out of the parking space I was in, I admired the beautiful fall colored leaves.

I stopped when an alarming yell echoed from afar. "Jacob!" It was Lawrence, otherwise known as Rebecca. Since when were we on a first name basis?

"Is there a problem?" She was holding me up from making my way home. I had better things to do than to chit-chat with Rebecca, that's for sure.

"No," She said as if she was out of breath from running. "How's Melanie? I heard she's supposed to be coming back, soon." It took me a little bit to respond. I didn't want to spill the beans, but I didn't wanna lie, either.

"She's doing better, but I doubt she's going to be coming back to work soon." This was my way of keeping it on the down low. "Well, why not? It's been a month since she's been out of work, shouldn't she be recovered by now?" Rebecca asked.

"I don't know, why don't you ask her?" I didn't mean for this to come out so harsh, but it is what it is. "I just figured you'd know what's up since you guys are partners." "Alright," I dragged on. Even if this whole thing weren't a secret, why the héll would we tell Rebecca? Besides, our own family doesn't know about the pregnancy just yet.

"Okay, well, tell her I said I hope she feels better." She waved, and I nodded and rolled the window up. I did this to avoid any further conversation as I drove to the house.

Melanie's POV

"So, how's school, guys?" I asked both Mason and Noelle. "It's aight." Was Mason's response. "Same here." Noelle simply responded. "It's because she's been hanging with her boo." Mason teased her. I raised my eyebrows, looking at Jacob, then took a bite of salad.

"WHO?!" Noelle exclaimed. "Anthony." As soon as Mason said that, Noelle and Jacob sucked their teeth.

"Why you lyin', Mason! You know good and well you have something for Rocky." So far, this family dinner was quite interesting, and this isn't even the half of it.

"Why you gotta tell all my business?" Mason said. "What business?" I asked. He side smirked, "You know what I mean." "Let's get back to Noelle. She's the one with the boyfriend."

"That's a dámn lie." I don't think Noelle meant to say that as loud as she did because she looked at both me and Jacob for our reactions. This time, we didn't mind it. We all laughed it off simultaneously due to the occasion.

"I bet if that was me I would've gotten in trouble." Mason muttered as of we didn't hear. I shook my head; it's crazy how much him and Jacob are alike.

Mason's POV

After the laughter between the four of us died down, mom cleared her throat. "We have something to tell you guys," She said, placing her bowl of ice cream on the coffee table. We mute the tv, in which we were watching Grown Ups.

"What is it?" Noelle asked. I really didn't think much of it, but I listened to what was about to be said.

Mom looked over to dad, who was sitting right next to her, then back to us. "I'm pregnant." The words that were coming out of her mouth just weren't adding up, which is why I said, "What?"

"I said I'm pregnant." Noelle's jaw dropped while I had this confused look on my face. Dad sat there quietly, probably looking at our reactions.

"Dad, how do you feel about this?" I asked. "It's one of the best things that's ever happened to me." His tone of voice was so live, and this confused both me and Noelle even more.

"Then this means that we're never gonna be one big happy family again." What Noelle said made me think. It isn't fair, to be honest. And dad being happy about it makes the situation even worse.

"So does this mean you and Devin are gonna get married?" I questioned. This would be the icing on the cake.

"What? No!" Mom laughed, but I missed the joke. "Um..." In my mind, I was thinking, 'Did she really just mute the tv to tell us this'? "I forgot to tell you that Devin and I didn't work out. It never really slipped my mind to tell you guys because it wasn't relevant." I scoffed, "And you tell us this now."

"So then who's baby is it?" Noelle asked. This has officially turned into the game of 'Clue'.

Dad cleared his throat.

"Ewww!!" Was the first thing that escaped from both me and Noelle's mouths. We were relieved, but disgusted at the same time.

Noelle pointed her index finger to her throat, in which she gagged. "Wha'dya mean, 'Ewww'?" Mom asked. "I can't picture you and dad doing it." Noelle shook her head, getting chills. "Yeah, me either. How'd this happen?"

"Well, your mother was-" Noelle held her hand up. "That's enough, I don't want to lose my appetite more than I already have." She put her empty bowl of ice cream on the coffee table, sitting back on the couch.

"But when?" I was still shocked. I mean, who wouldn't be when their parents have been interacting on the low? "It's a long story." Dad said. "And I don't wanna hear it." Noelle groaned.

"Sweetheart, you'll understand one day." Mom joked. "Oh, I understand. You and dad were sexually frustrated and took your frustration out on each other." We all laughed. "I guess you do understand."

I stood up, grabbing me and Noelle's bowls. "I'll help you, Mace." I nodded. "You done, Mel?" Dad asked and she nodded. He grabbed the other two bowls and followed me into the kitchen. I was almost positive mom and Noelle were still stuck on the subject even though it got extra weird.

Dad turned the faucet on to wash the dishes and I dried them. I whispered to him, "Way to go, dad." and dapped him up. He immediately caught on and started laughing right along with me.

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