Worn Out

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Mason's POV

I walked out of the bathroom while keeping an eye on my phone. I turned the light off, then locked my phone and walked forward. Yet again, something collided with me, causing me to stumble some. As an instinct, I reached out, catching the person. I knew it was either Noelle or Rocky because Anthony is asleep, and moms working an overnight shift tonight.

"Can't stop, won't stop, huh?" Immediately I knew who it was, and this made me chuckle. "Cute," I released my arms from around Rocky's waist. "Bad dream?" She questioned, and I playfully rolled my eyes even though it was dark.

"Yeah, cause every time I have a dream I go to the bathroom to release my inner feelings." "Mmm." She rolled her eyes as well, walking past me to get into the bathroom. As she did this, I eyed her without her realizing it. "Don't fall in." I turned to the door, licking my lips.

In return she gave me the finger, giving me the feeling of satisfactory for the night as I walked back to my bedroom.

Anthony's POV

The sound of keys jingled, and in walked Mrs. Perez. "Morning kiddos." She said in a bright tone of voice, even though she looked really tired. "Hey mom." We all said simultaneously. Mrs. Perez would rather me and Rocky call her mom, being that we are around so much and are best friends with Mason and Noelle.

"I brought breakfast." She walked into the kitchen with bags full of food. "Enjoy." She smiled, heading up the stairs. "Mom, aren't you going to eat breakfast?" Noelle asked. "I'll get it later. I'm tired." She responded by nodding before we all thanked her one by one for buying us breakfast. Noelle grabbed four glass plates and silverware, handing each of us one.

We each got our own trays and bottles of juice and simply started to chow down.


Mason took both his and Rocky's plates and gave them to Noelle, who was washing the dishes. They walked into the family room just about out of sight, so I decided to help Noelle.

"Wouldn't want your fingers to get all wrinkly." I said, taking the dishes from her and washing them. When I finished, I passed her them so she could put them away.

"Yeah, right." She smiled a little. Her smile said a lot. "Go somewhere." She giggled, pushing me. Her hands were still a little wet, so it left an implant on my shirt. My hands were sudsy, and I did the same to her. She gasped, looking at me hysterically.

"It's on."

Melanie's POV

I groaned as I felt the bed sink down. I felt arms wrap around my shoulders, and I figured it was Devin. "You smell good." He whispered, kissing the lobe of my ear.

"Mmm, thanks." I muttered. I was honestly still tired from the overnight shift I had worked. It didn't help when Devin continued to kiss me repeatedly on my face and neck.

When he noticed I wasn't feeling it, he got up. "What's up with you?" The tone of his voice told me he felt offended. "I'm tired, Devin. I just worked overnight, give it a break." I rolled my eyes, pulling the covers over my head. The sound of him leaving was all I really heard before drifting back off to sleep.

Jacob's POV

I raised my hand up to start knocking on the front door, but before I could even do so, Melanie had already opened it. When she saw me, she took a step back and clenched her chest.

I had a questionable look on my face until she spoke up.

"You scared me." She smiled some. "My bad." "What brings you by?" She said, closing the front door while standing directly across from me.

"I came here to see Mason and Noelle,-" "Oh, they're with Anthony and Rocky." She spoke, "Okay, I'll just tell them I stopped by." I said, as I started to walk down the stairs.

"Actually, I have to go to the grocery store. Wanna come with me?" I was surprised at Melanie's extremely friendly gesture.

I didn't hesitate to say "Sure." We ended up taking her car, and I asked what she needed from the store. "Doritos and Olives." She responded. I laughed a little, "For what?" She sighed playfully.

"Two boys and one bag of Doritos.. you know the rest." "Alright," I laughed. "So what about these olives?"

She kissed her teeth, "Ask Noelle."


"So they haven't filed a lawsuit yet?" Melanie asked, while bent over in search of the cheese. "Not that I've heard of. First they were thinking about placing an order of protection, but it seems as if that's not gonna happen." I stared at her every move blankly, completely ignoring the fact that she had already called the kids in to eat.

They had already cleared out of the kitchen and into the family room when Melanie asked me if I wanted anything. I was hesitant, but since I was here, I agreed.

"You do not understand how freaking tired I was when I came home from work this morning." Melanie said while taking a Dorito and placing taco meat and other things on it.

"You can't hang." I smirked because Mason's always saying that. "Please. The only reason why your áss can hang is because of those daily trips to Starbucks." We both laughed, but it died down once Devin walked through the door.

"What's going on?" He asked, but I figured I shouldn't say anything. "Jacob's here to see Mason and Noelle, and I made dinner." When Melanie explained, his face lightened up just a little.

"So where've you been, since you have all of the questions." She rolled her eyes waiting for a response, but he waved it off and left the house. "Sorry about that." She responded, turning her attention back to me and biting her bottom lip.

I had no problem with this. Couples fight, right? Not like this, but they do.

"It's fine."

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