Part 10

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Chapter 10:

*Luke's P.O.V*

I walked out the room, and headed towards the cafeteria

"So you and Luke are good friends, huh?"

I heard Ashley's mom ask

I stopped and listened

"Yeah, he's a really good friend, he is always next to me, and there when I need him, he's amazing"

She replied

I blushed at that comment, I guess I have been a really good friend lately

"Well that's good, I hope you guys are friends for a while"

Her mom said

I stopped listening and continued on my way to the cafeteria


*Ashley's P.O.V*

It was hard eating sometimes, most times people will put food in my hand, like a sand which or a handheld thing

"Is Luke back yet?"

I asked

"Honey, Luke left 10 minutes ago, he's not back yet"

My mom said


After about 10 more minutes he finally got here

"Ok I'm back, I got you some bugles, Ashley"

Luke said

"How'd ya know I like bugles?"

I asked

"Sierra told me..."

He replied

"Oh ok"

I said, as he handed me the bag of bugles

I tried to open the bag but I continually failed

"Here, let me help you"

Luke opened the bag with almost no effort


I replied as he handed me back the bag

"I've told you, Ash were in this together"

He said

I love him when he calls me Ash, this is a first but only Calum normally calls me Ash

I tried to eat the bugles but I couldn't seem to get my hand in the bag and grab one

"Uh, Luke?"


"I need help again"

I whined

He just laughed

"Do you want me to feed you?"

Luke asked

"Uh, kinda"

I replied

"Oh, we're in this together"

He sighed

A/n: when summer break starts I'll be updating every night ;)

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