1 - A Hospital Visit

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Third Person POV (POV stands for Point Of View for those of you who don't know):

Santana, Rachel, Finn, and Kurt all sat down in the cold plastic hospital chairs. No one was seriously hurt, nothing to be concerned about. They were just waiting for Blaine. He was getting a follow up on his eye since the slushie incident. The Doctor wanted to make sure everything was healing nicely and that no infection was showing. You could never be too safe.

But it was then Santana saw him first. Sitting across the room. He was bouncing his knee, he looked nervous. But still evil. Santana is one to forgive, on occasion. But this boy was hard to forgive. Wherever he went trouble seemed to follow and Santana caught onto this pattern very quickly. Santana nudged her friends.

"What?" Finn asked, he was sitting by her.

Santana didn't verbally respond. She just pointed to across the room. Showing the boy to all of them. They looked confused but soon understood.

Sebastian Smythe.

What was Sebastian Smythe doing here?

Was he planning on tormenting Blaine once again?

It's not a coincidence that the day Sebastian shows up at the hospital is the same day Blaine has to go.

Something seemed off about this.

"Should we go over and talk to him?" Rachel asked.

"Might as well." Kurt shrugged, giving off less emotion than expected.

They all stood up and started to walk over to Sebastian. About half way over Sebastian looked up, quickly catching on to who was walking over to him and what was soon to happen. So he quickly stood up and started to walk away, mostly away from any other people but close enough. He didn't get far.

"Hey meerkat!" Santana called. Sebastian mentally cursed himself and turned around, quickly plastering a smirk on his face.

"What a coincidence is this. Sorry to break it to you Lopez, but they don't do plastic surgery here, plus, I don't think anything could fix that." He motioned to all of Santana.

"Save it. I don't want your excuses. You here to bother Blaine again, or are you just helping out, being the good Christian child you are?" Santana mocked him, folding her arms.

"What? No, I just forgot my jacket here." Sebastian lied, but pulled it off so well as a truth.

"Why were you here in the first place, huh?" Santana asked.

"Why would it matter to you?" Sebastian shot back.

"Why would the almighty Sebastian Smythe need to ever step foot in a Hospital?" Santana continued to mock him.

"I'm flattered you think of me as 'almighty'." Sebastian smirked.

"Can it, I'm not in the mood." Santana gritted through her teeth.

Santana was prepared to finish off her sentence, but was interrupted. Right beside them they could hear an alarm going off. Not too loud, obviously only for the lady at the front desk. But everyone could hear it.

"We have a code blue in room 227, last name Allen, first name Bartholomew. Requesting a Rapid Response Team immediately." The voice seemed calm, despite the obvious panic in the situation. No one knew what a code blue was, but they didn't assume anything well.

This didn't bother anyone in the friend group. They didn't know this person and it didn't matter in the first place. So they ignored this and looked back at Sebastian. But, before they could even look back fully, Sebastian was rushing past them.

"Move." He hissed.

The group watched as Sebastian ran around the desk and down a hall. The group followed, intrigued in what was going on. Sebastian stopped four doors down from the front desk. Room 227. What was going on? Did Sebastian know this person? Or did he hit him with his car? Whatever was going on, it confused the group of friends.

Sebastian stopped at the doorframe. Watching as a bunch of Doctors rushed into the room. The group couldn't see what was going on, they weren't as close as Sebastian, who had his head wrapped around the edge, trying to get a glimpse as to what was going on. It only lasted a few seconds.

As a few Doctors started to pile out of the room, followed by the rest, Sebastian slid against the wall. Ending up with his back against the wall as he curled up his knees. He rested his face in his arms.

The last Doctor that came out started looking around. He was in search for someone. Sebastian. He spotted the boy, a few feet below him. Sebastian felt the presence and looked up, suddenly angered.

"You said he was stable." Sebastian argued.

"I said that he was currently stable. I can't predict the future Sebastian." The Doctor replied.

"God- Just, whatever." Sebastian shook it off, "When does he wake up?" Sebastian asked.

"My estimation is next Tuesday." The Doctor replied.

"You said he'd be awake by Friday!" Sebastian's voice raised.

"His lungs weren't working, he's gonna be delayed in his healing process." The Doctor explained.

"Whatever." Sebastian shook his head.

"Joe called. He said to let you know he'll be stopping by this Thursday." The Doctor mentioned to Sebastian.

"Why couldn't he just call me and tell me that?" Sebastian questioned.

"He said it was unlikely you'd answer." Was the reply.

Sebastian chuckled a bit and shook his head, "Ah, Joe."

"Well, I feel like I've talked long enough. I'll leave you to talk to your friends." He nudged towards the group beside Sebastian.

Sebastian looked up, just now realizing they were beside him. Sebastian sighed, "Right." He mumbled sarcastically as he looked down, shaking his head, "Friends." He mumbled again.

"He a friend of yours?" Kurt asked, surprising everyone that he was first to speak up.

Sebastian shook his head no, "Brother." Sebastian replied.

"We didn't know you had a brother." Finn added, shocked, like everyone else.

"Neither did I." Sebastian chuckled, still not looking at the group, he couldn't bring himself to do it.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kurt asked, confused.

"Nothing to you." Sebastian's sass wasn't present in that answer, not like the group expected. It was almost lost.

"Look, Sebastian-" Rachel had started but was cut off.

"No. I don't want your pity," He shook his head, "I don't deserve it," He mumbled so they couldn't hear much of it, "Don't speak of this to anyone." He finally looked at them as he stood up, leaving the presence. The group wasn't sure what was going on, all they knew was that Sebastian Smythe was not Ok.

This is not my best work XD But I'm working on it. No one asked for this crap, but too bad, I'm giving :P Let me know what you think.

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