{Chapter Three}

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Author's POV~

You just sat there on the couch, shivering and hugging your knees close to your body. You were sweating a bit as the TV flashed back on, revealing the end credits to your show. Barney and Dad ran came into the room, each eating a slice of pizza. "Hey (Y/N), dinner's on the table." Dad said and sat down, changing the TV to some other show. You didn't feel hungry anymore, nor tired. You didn't want to move, too scared that he'd come back.

After a while of sitting on the couch and watching the Simpsons, you got up to get your dinner. You quickly grabbed a slice then went off to your room. Two beds were set up, one on either side. Identical desks, dressers, lamps, and chairs were set up as well. You picked the cleaner side and sat on the bed, tentatively taking a bite of the pizza.

After eating, you decided to change. Your day clothes were just a t-shirt and jeans, but that wasn't comfortable sleeping attire. You looked through your bad and settled on a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt. It was nice to feel comfortable in a new surrounding area, making you feel relaxed and suddenly tired.

You laid there on the pure white bed, staring at the ceiling. Your eye lids slowly became heavier as you started to fall asleep, pulling the blanket over yourself with a heavy yawn.

Your dream was nothing but pure white. Everything around you was pure white, as if you were the only thing in existence. Nothing changed for quite some time..

After a bit of sitting there in the white light, you heard a soft sound. Humming..? It sounded like it..

You tried to figure out what the song was..sounded like.. 'Pop Goes the Weasel'? What an odd song to hum. Little did you know the source of the humming.

In the morning you felt well rested and ready for the day. You came to the decision that whatever you had seen last night was just a hallucination from your over active imagination. It seemed logical, right?

You walked into the kitchen to see a plate of French Toast made for you with a note next to it. 'Dad and I went out to town, won't be back till later. Love, Burney.' it said. You giggled at Barney's dumb nickname and stared at the French Toast with a hungry expression. You hand't eaten much the night before, so this looked delicious to you.

As you ate, you thought about Pennywise. Such a dumb name. How could your mind possibly come up with that? You laughed at yourself and finished up, putting your plate in the sink and heading to you room to get changed and ready for the day.

You got changed into a grey, long sleeve shirt and a pair of faded skinny jeans. You put on your tennis shoes and headed back to the living room, grabbing you bag from the counter and heading out the door, locking it behind you.

The sky was a beautiful blue color, with soft white clouds floating around. Nothing could ruin this for you..not even the clown.

You decided to just explore the town, noting the street names and stores. It was truly a beauty to behold. Why was this place so dangerous? That's when you noticed a missing sign. "Aw..their family must miss them so much.." you said to yourself, sighing under your breath.

As you continued on, you came to a dead end street with a house that looked like it would fall down at any second. It looked abandoned and burnt to a crisp. "I wonder what happened there." you mumbled, sitting down the the side walk about 20 meters from the house.

"Funny you should ask.." a silky yet raspy voice said in your ear. You jumped and glanced around, not seeing anybody around. Until you looked up.

There he stood, towering above you. Pennywise. You screamed, making him smile in pleasure. "Are you scared of me?" he asked and grabbed your wrist, pulling you up onto your feet although you desperately tried to fight it. A twisted giggle escaped from the mouth of the clown, making you shiver and shake more.

His eyes were no longer blue, they were now a bright orange color. He looked hurt as you tried to move his gloved had away from you. "You aren't real! You're just in my head!" you yelled, glaring at him. Pennywise gasped in fake shock. "Me? Not real? Rude." he growled and dropped you, placing a hand on his chest and frowning.

"Y-Yeah! You aren't real!" you said quickly, scrambling to stand back up and run. "But, (Y/N), I am too real..you'll see." Pennywise mumbled, smiling his twisted smile. In less then a second he was gone from sight, leaving behind no trace of his existence.

You just stood there on the side walk with a confused and terrified expression plastered to your face.

"He's not real.." you told yourself then turned to walk away and find your way back home. After about fifteen minutes you made it back to your house, dropping you bag next to the door frame and going off to the bathroom.

Everything looked normal. If Pennywise was real, he needed to do something besides bother you! Why would he only bug you?

Shaking your head and ridding yourself of the swarming thoughts, you leaned over the sink and turned on the faucet. Nothing came out. You turned it up a bit higher. Still, nothing came out. You shrugged and tapped the faucet gently, gasping when a stream of red started to fall from it.

Red. Blood red liquid. You gasped and fell backwards, shaking uncontrollably. "Oh my god!" you yelled as the stream became stronger and stronger, shaking the whole sink. The suddenly, it just went out. The liquid slowly drained down the sink, staining it permanently.

You sat on the floor, hugging your knees and whining quietly. "it's all just a dream, nothing's really happening.." you told yourself then forced yourself to stand up, coming face to face with a bright red balloon.

"(Y/N), just except the facts. I am real. And you're scared~!"

You Won't Float {Pennywise x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now