Chapter 10

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Charlie's POV

Did my life long bully just say he needs me? Did my brother's life long bully say he needs me? Shock filled my entire body, does he honestly think that's good enough to make me help? I mean, I'm already helping his stupid family with the new system I have to do this weekend with people I don't want to see. 

"What was that, Greyson Lockwood?" I put my hand to my ear smirking. He growled and shook his head. "I-I didn't hear you?" He shook his head at me and put his hands on his hips again. 

"I'm not saying it again." He scoffed.

"Okay, well, I didn't hear a good reason for me to help, so I'm just goin-" He shoved the door closed as I went to open it. My back was to his chest. I could feel his fast heart beat. I hate him, right? So why am I getting this weird feeling from last night, again? It's Greyson Lockwood for Christ Sake, Charlotte. 

"I said," He seemed out of breath, as if he was nervous. "I need you." He was almost pained, his voice showed it. He was so close to me it was almost too normal. "I need your intelligence. I need your expertise. I need your strength. I need your attitude." His lips were close to my ear, closer to my neck. "Please help me." 

"What do I get from it?" He seemed caught off guard by my question. I turned to him, he basically encased me against the wall between his body and arms. His eyes were darker than normal as I looked up at him.

"Anything you want." He watched all of the features on my face.

"Respect." He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "For my brother. No more abusing him and his skills. No more long weeks away. No more hazing. No more mistreatment." He watched me carefully. "You can all hate me, and be mean to me, but not him. You've done enough to him in the years you've been around my family. You are to treat him as though he's equal." He seemed to have the cogs turning in his mind.

"Deal." He moved his hand to where my chest was. He held it out to shake, I took his hand gently, hesitantly. He moved from me slowly, then opened the door. 

We walked down the hall, I kept to myself in all ways. He walked with his hands in his pockets. When I turned to go down the stairs, he stopped me.

"Where are you going?" He grabbed my upper arm gently this time. 

"My brother comes first. He needs food, then I'll be up to help." He sighed, then looked to the office he was suppose to be in. 

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