8 - Everytime

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Everytime he taught me How to write a poem
I loved pretending that I didn't know.
Everytime he gave me a rose,
I loved acting like I love only the thorns.

Everytime he felt special with my crazy talks,
I loved pretending that I was totally crazy.
Everytime he craved for eye contact
I loved ignoring him.

Everytime he adjusted my hair
I loved pretending my hair was naturally messy.
Everytime he smiled
I loved pretending that My heart did not skip a beat.

Everytime he said that I looked amazing
I loved pretending that I took it as sarcasm.
Everytime he sang a song for me.
I loved not telling him that he was horrible singer.
Everytime he was not looking at me
I loved pretending that I was not gazing.

But everytime he left
I never loved waving a 'good bye'
The time he was on his knees
I loved pretending that I felt the same.

Everytime He said those three words
I loved saying them back, even if I didn't mean them.
Everytime he told me he craved me,
I loved believing that maybe I did, too.

Because everytime I saw the way that he looked at me,
I knew that even if it was too fast, he was the one.
And that even though I only loved the things that he did,
One day, I'll learn to love him too.

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